We’ll be displaying our best-in-industry safety training tools, including training for OSHA-based safety topics, MSHA-based safety topics, and our family of learning management systems (LMSs) at the Puget Sound Chapter & CWU ASSE Student Joint Professional Development Conference hosted by Central Washington University in Ellensburg, WA on Friday, March 14, 2014.
Come visit us and see for yourself why we make the best training materials for safety professionals–hands down.
If you want to touch base with us in advance, you can contact Convergence Training. Let us know if you have any needs we can address before the show!
We’d also like to make a special call-out here to CWU Professor Sathy Rajendran and the Safety and Health Management program at Central–we have a working relationship and admire the drive and energy of Sathy and the students.