Coal mine dust that is able to be breathed causes a range of diseases that are known collectively as black lung. Black lung can lead to lung impairment, permanent disability, and even death. While considerable progress has been made in reducing miners exposure to respirable coal mine dust, miners continue to develop these diseases. There has even been a rise in serious cases of these diseases occurring in younger and younger miners.
MSHA has a new rule, published in October of this year, called “Lowering Miner’s Exposure to Respirable Coal Mine Dust Including Continuous Personal Dust Monitors”. Some major parts of the rule include:
- lowering the existing concentration limits of breathable coal dust
- requiring the use of a personal dust monitor
- addressing extended work shifts
- and expanding medical surveillance of workers
- lowering the existing concentration limits of breathable coal dust
A very good synopsis of the rule can be seen here.
There will be six public hearings on the new rules over the next couple months. Members of the public will be able to make oral presentations and weigh in with their thoughts on the rules. Click here for the public hearing schedule.
Convergence Training will be updating our MSHA safety training videos after the respirable coal dust public hearings are finished. That way we’ll be sure to understand all of the implications of the new rules for our mining customers. If you’re currently a Convergence Training customer (or if you might be one day), follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on our MSHA- and OSHA-aligned product releases and news.