Confined Space in Construction Glossary


Did you read our post about OSHA’s upcoming Confined Spaces in Construction regulation? If, not you may want to check it out. If you did read it, advance straight to “go” and collect $200!

Since OSHA’s creating a new standard, we dug around a little and found the terms that they will define in the standard. The terms were listed in OSHA’s Confined Spaces in Construction (Proposed Rule) document, which is a very handy summary of the proposed new regulation–if also a long (95 pages) and dry read.

You can use the glossary right here on our blog or you can click the download button to download a SCORM version of the glossary and then import it into your learning management system.


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Hazard Communication Word Game (1910.1200-GHS Aligned)


Here’s a free and fun word game that includes words defined in OSHA’s Hazard Communication (1910.1200) Standard. It’s even nicely GHS-aligned for you, just as you’d expect.

We’ve got this wired up below so that you can enjoy it in two different ways.

First, you can play it right here from this blog post as much as you want.

And second, you can download a free copy, import it into your own SCORM-compliant LMS, and play it from there.

So, try your hand at the game and have fun.


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New Confined Spaces in Construction Standard from OSHA: 1926 Subpart AA, 1926.1200

[Note: This is an old article written in 2013. It has some useful information about confined spaces, but if you’re looking for current information about the brand-new (2015) confined spaces in construction rule, click here].

OSHA’s most recent Unified Agenda announced that they’ll be creating a new Confined Spaces in Construction Standard. So, we’ve pulled together a bunch of information on confined spaces in construction to help you prepare.

According to OSHA, nearly 6.5 people die, and 967 people are injured, in confined spaces at construction sites every year. So the hazards and risks are real.

OSHA believes that the new standard can prevent six of those deaths and 880 of those injuries every year.


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Why Don’t People Remember Their Training? Five Steps of Learning and Applying Information

Why Don't People Remember Training Image

You tell them, and you tell them, and you tell them again, and they still don’t learn.

Sound familiar? Have you ever uttered these words to yourself after a training session?

If so, you may need to remind yourself of some old cliches:

  • Telling ain’t training
  • Learners aren’t empty vessels you pour information into
  • Don’t be the sage on the stage
  • Don’t spray and pray

So if you hold training sessions, and your employees seem to forget the training immediately, it may be time to quit blaming them and turn your thoughts inward: what can you do to create more memorable training experiences? How can you help workers remember and apply what they learned during training when they’re back on the job?

To that end, we’re going to give you a quick overview of how people process, store, and later retrieve information. This is the first step to making training that’s more memorable.


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Fall Prevention and Protection Word Game (1926.501)


Every year, fall protection is on OSHA’s list of the Top Ten Most Cited Violations.

And falls are also always a significant contributor to workplace injuries and fatalities as well.

Playing a fall prevention and protection word game won’t solve all those problems. We need better training, more onsite observations, more detail to incident report, and more.

But that said, this word game can help remind you of some important issues related to fall prevention and protection. And it’s fun, too, so you might want to use this in your next safety meeting.


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New Hazard Communication 2012 (GHS Aligned) Course Added to Health & Safety Training Library

GHS! Hazard Communication 2012! Everyone’s talking about it. Everyone’s googling it. Even my 16-year old daughters are asking me about it (OK, that last part isn’t true).

With all the interest, you may wonder what 3D animated training materials Convergence Training has ready for you.

Well, we’re happy to report that we’ve got you covered. So let the communicating about hazard communication begin. Here’s what we’ve got for you. (more…)

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Fall Protection in Residential Construction: Extension of Temporary Enforcement Measures to End March 15, 2013

In December of 2010, OSHA issued its Compliance Guidance for Residential Construction (STD 03-11-002). This stated that OSHA would be enforcing 29 CFR 1926.501(b)(13) for all residential construction work.

OSHA memos announced a “transition period” that was originally intended to end on March 15, 2012 and was then extended to March 15, 2013 (right around the corner). During the extension, OSHA made fall protection requests the “highest priority” for their Compliance Assistance Specialists, reduced penalties by 10% in some instances, and offered 30 days for employers to correct fall protection violations.

So what does all this mean? It means that very soon–on March 15, 2013–those extensions expire and you’ll need to begin complying with 29 CFR 1926.501(b)(13) for all residential construction work. So let’s look into that more.


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What to Know and Do for Hazcom 2012/GHS During 2013 and Beyond

The HazCom 2012/GHS standard has a series of effective dates. They’re December 1, 2013; June 1, 2015; December 1, 2015; and June 1, 2016. If you want to read more about those, click this link to get it from OSHA.

Until recently, we offered a free online HazCom course on this webpage. However, we’re now offering very inexpensive pay-per-view versions of our online health and safety training courses at our website.

Click to learn more about our Online Hazard Communication training course, which has all the necessary GHS alignments.

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Combustible Dust Glossary


Below is an interactive glossary of terms OSHA defines in its Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program.

How many of the terms do you know? Check it out right here, right now (or email the link to friends, family, and loved ones).

Convergence Training is a training solutions provider with many EHS training offerings. We make a variety of learning management systems (LMSs) to administer training, a large number of off-the-shelf e-learning courses, including a health and safety training librarycustom training solutions, and more. Contact us to find out more or to set up a demo.

And while you’re here, why not download our FREE Guide to Effective EHS Training?


A few important notes: The terms and definitions in our combustible dust glossary were taken directly from the text on OSHA’s website as printed in January, 2013. Convergence Training makes no claims regarding the accuracy of those definitions, nor to keep this glossary up to date to match any changes that OSHA makes after the date of this posting. Though we will do our best. 🙂

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Job Hazard Analysis Guide

Learn how to perform a job hazard analysis on the job with our free step-by-step guide.

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Sample Custom Animation: Machine Safety Devices

If you’re a customer of Convergence Training, or if you follow this blog, you’ve probably had a chance to see our retail training course offerings by now. Which is great.

But we do a LOT of custom work too. And if we’ve done custom work for you, you know how good it can be. It’s obvious to us that our custom-training customers like our stuff because they keep coming back for more. If you haven’t seen our custom work, you’re missing out.


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Combustible Dust Informational Resources

Chances are you know that OSHA has announced plans to create a brand new Combustible Dust Standard in its most recent regulatory agenda.

We’ve already written a blog post with a LOT of information about where OSHA is on the new combustible dust rulemaking process. But in addition, we thought you might want to check out some other resources on combustible dust.

And so, we’ve published this list for you (with help from the good people at OSHA). It’s a veritable combustible-dust storm of information. We hope it helps out.

You might also want to check out our online combustible dust training course.


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