Central Washington University’s Safety & Health Management Degree Program

Back in April, we attended the Oregon Governors Occupational Safety & Health conference (GOSH) in Portland, Oregon and had the pleasure of attending a conference session on mobile training. It was put on by Sathyanarayanan (Sathy) Rajendran and the Safety and Health Management Program at Central Washington University.

We were inspired by the presentation and since the Convergence Training headquarters is in Vancouver, Washington, just a few hours from CWU, we reached out to Sathy to discuss our own mobile training solution, and to see if there were any opportunities for us to partner up on any projects in the future. One thing lead to another and we were able to provide discounted and donated training content and software to CWU in an effort to help Sathy meet his goal of establishing the premier Safety and Health program in the west.

We believe in CWU’s program and in Sathy’s leadership, and our goal in writing this blog post is to encourage other companies to donate their products, services, time, and/or money to the program as we did and as other safety-related companies have done before us. That’s because since we’ve come to know of the program, the staff, and the students, we’ve been impressed and want to help them in their efforts to develop the next generation of safety and health management specialists.

To date, the Safety and Health Management program at CWU is using our Enterprise learning management system (LMS) and a number of titles from our EHS training libraries. Using the LMS allows the CWU professors to assign, deliver, and track assignments to their students, and also gives the students an opportunity to learn how an LMS can be used in their later careers. And the EHS library is a great complement to the textbook, instructor-led, and hands-on instruction in the program.

Click here to learn more about CWU’s Safety and Health Management Program. To learn more about making a donation of your own, contact Sathy at rajendrans@cwu.edu.

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Thanks for Visiting with Us at National Safety Council’s 2013 Congress in Chicago-See You Next Year!

We’re back from the 2013 National Safety Council Congress and Exposition in Chicago, Illinois and want to thank everyone who stopped by our booth to meet us and learn more about our products and services for safety. Those include our full library of EHS training materials and our family of learning management systems (LMSs) for assigning, delivering, tracking, and reporting that training.

We’d like to give a special shout-out to Theresa Kilian of Wornick Foods and Wendy Kue of Chrysler Group, LLC, the lucky winners of our free giveaways at the NSC Congress.

Theresa won a free Kindle Fire HD. Pretty fun!

And Wendy won a free animated contractor orientation module plus a year’s free use of our online Contractor LMS. (Let us know if you need help with your own contractor and visitor orientation solutions.)

We look forward to seeing you all again at the 2014 NSC Congress. Until then, work smart, be safe, and contact Convergence Training if you need any help with safety training issues.

Finally, a special thanks to comedian Matt Kissane. Last year, Matt worked our ASSE booth doing a very popular impersonation of Matt Foley (the SNL character by Chris Farley). This year, he was up to the task again, recreating the famous “da Bears!” guys from Saturday Night Live. Hey Bears fans, too bad you just lost to the Detroit Lions–see you again later this year!

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OSHA’s Top 10 Cited Standards of 2013

OSHA Basics Image

Every year, OSHA‘s kind enough to announce the most commonly cited standards of the previous year.

For example, here’s the list they released in 2013 of the most commonly cited standards of 2012. You may remember that last year we not only gave you this list, but gave you a TON of free training materials to help you with the regulations in the list. You can still view and download the materials by following the link above.

Well, 2013 is almost over, and OSHA’s done it again: they’ve just announced the 10 most frequently cited standards of 2013.

The list is below. Keep watching our blog in the following weeks and months as we create more free training materials related to these standards for you.

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New Safety Training Courses Available: Tanker Rollover; Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures

Here are the new training courses created by our busy Production department last month. They’re all additions to our EHS 3D animated training library. Scroll down to see short samples of each.

If you’d like to learn more about these courses or view them in a demo, here’s how to contact us.

Tanker Rollover

Among commercial transportation vehicles, tanker trucks are some of the most susceptible to rollover-type accidents. Learn the factors that most commonly contribute to tanker rollover accidents and how to avoid them.

Learn more about our Tanker Rollover Course.

Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures

Having a spill prevention plan in place is among the most effective and efficient tools in preventing environmental contamination. This course will discuss spill-related pollution, spill prevention techniques, appropriate procedures for controlling a spill, and countermeasure techniques that can be taken to help comply with federal regulations.

Learn more about our Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Course.

Need to know more? Drop us a line; we’d be happy to hear from you.

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New HR Training Courses Available Now: Diversity in Workplace; Substance Abuse; and Discrimination in the Workplace

Here are the new training courses created by our busy Production department last month. They’re all additions to our Human Resources 3D animated training library. Scroll down to see short samples of each.

If you’d like to learn more about these courses or view them in a demo, here’s how to contact us.

Diversity in the Workplace

Companies can increase their creativity and openness to different ideas by fostering a diverse work force. This course covers the definition and benefits of diversity, the challenges in a diverse workplace, and how employees can be proactive and positive on a daily basis to promote the differences between workers.

Learn more about our Diversity in the Workplace Course.

Substance Abuse Awareness

Drug addiction is when an individual is involved in compulsive drug seeking and use, regardless of any negative health or social consequences. This compulsive drug use can cause employees to be more likely to miss work, be less productive, or even be involved in on-the-job accidents. This course raises awareness by discussing the effects of different types of drugs and alcohol as well as how to recognize and deal with symptoms of abuse.

Learn more about our Substance Abuse Awareness Course.

Discrimination in the Workplace

Discrimination amongst employees can contribute to a hostile work environment and negative company culture, leading to lower efficiency and high employee turnover. This course raises awareness by discussing the civil rights laws protecting people from discrimination, the types of discrimination, and how discrimination can affect the workplace.

Learn more about our Discrimination in the Workplace Course.

Need to know more? Drop us a line; we’d be happy to hear from you.

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New Papermaking Courses Available: Black Liquor Evaporators-Equipment; Carrier Ropes-Design and Operation; Box Plant Basics-Flexo Folder Gluers; and Pulping and Papermaking Overview

Here are the new training courses created by our busy Production department last month. They’re all additions to our Pulp, Paper, Tissue, and Box 3D animated training libraries. Scroll down to see short samples of each.

If you’d like to learn more about these courses or view them in a demo, here’s how to contact us.


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Breaking Bad: Workforce Training Suggestions

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Tonight, the final episode of the TV series Breaking Bad airs.

As we like to do from time to time, we take a break from writing about serious safety issues such as preventing fatalities, learning teams, incident investigations, leading indicators, safety training, and online safety training and use a seasonal event or something in pop culture to enjoy a safety yuk or two.

In this article, the laughs are on, or compliments of, Walt and his crew from Breaking Bad. Hope you enjoy this one, and if you do, feel free to check out some of our other humor-based safety articles, such as those listed below:

Note: this post includes video clips from the AMC television series Breaking Bad. If you’re not familiar with Breaking Bad, please know that it includes some colorful language and behavior. The clips below contain some of the more light-hearted moments from the show.


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What Is SCORM?

If you’re interested in e-learning, you’ve probably heard of or seen the acronym SCORM.

To my eyes, it looks like it should be the name of a Star Trek enemy—kind of like the Borg Collective. But nope, it’s a set of rules, standards, and specifications for making e-learning modules and learning management systems (LMSs) work together.

Read on if you’re curious for more information.

What Does SCORM Do?

SCORM ensures that e-learning courses can be imported into, assigned, played, completed, and tracked from a learning management system (LMS). That’s assuming that both the e-learning course and the LMS are SCORM-compliant.


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Study Shows Link between Workforce Health and Safety and Company’s Financial Performance

Occupational Safety Efforts Save Money Image

Money. Although some don’t care much for it, others say it’s what they want. They work hard for it, and they love it.

But why are we talking about this on a blog typically related to training, safety, and production efficiency, you ask? Well, partly to indulge my desire to listen to some classic R&B and rock tunes while at work, of course. But also because a new study has shown a link between the operational safety and health of companies and their financial bottom-line.

That’s right. Even though there’s no need to justify safety—it’s the right goal in and of itself—this study shows a link between good safety and health records and stronger stock market performance.


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OSHA Proposes New Respirable Crystalline Silica Rule: Here Are Some Helpful Resources

OSHA recently announced a proposed rule to protect workers exposed to crystalline silica. You may have already heard about this-it was even mentioned in the New York Times recently. But we figured we’d run through all the information you need to know right here in this one post.

First, Does the Convergence Training Blog Have Any Free Silica-Related Training Materials?

Yeah, here’s an employee silica exposure checklist for you–in four different formats, no less.

Is This a Rule or Just a Proposed Rule?

It’s just a proposed rule. That means it’s a suggestion that OSHA has put forth. There’s a lengthy process to complete before this becomes a rule, if it ever does. And that includes periods for public comments and public hearings.


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New Papermaking Courses: Continuous Cooking Introduction and Wet End Chemistry – Functional Papermaking Additives

Here are the new training courses created by our busy Production department in August. They’re all additions to our Pulp, Paper, Tissue, and Box 3D animated training libraries. Scroll down to see short samples of each.

If you’d like to learn more about these courses or view them in a demo, click here.


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