Fall Prevention Information: Free Word Game, Regulations, FAQs, and More

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OSHA puts out a list of the ten most commonly cited standard violations every year. Here’s a list of OSHA’s Top Ten, 2016. Fall Prevention and Protection is on that list, and so we’ve got some online fall prevention training resources for you here–plus more.

Many of the same standards appear on the list again and again.

As a result, we’ve pulled together a series of blogs to help you train your workers about each of the ten most cited standards. Below, we’ve got a list of fall prevention and protection training resources for you.

Let us know if you’ve got some other resources you’d suggest. The comments field awaits.

Before you dig into the information about fall prevention and protection below, feel free to check out our short sample video that demonstrates a few highlights of our safety and health courses.


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HazCom Information: OSHA Citation Data, Free Online Word Game, FAQs, and More

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We’ve got some online HazCom training materials for you in this article. But before we get into it, let us set the scene first.

OSHA puts out a list of the top 10 most cited violations every year. Here’s the list from 2016. The hazard communication/hazcom standard is on that list every year. In fact, violations of the OSHA HazCom Standard (1910.1200) were #2 on OSHA’s Top Ten List of 2016.

Almost every year, the OSHA Top Ten list includes the exact same standards. Maybe there’s a little re-ordering, but that tends to be the big difference. So we’re pulling together a series of articles to help you train your workers about each of the top ten OSHA standards, and this article on hazcom is part of that bigger effort.

Let us know if there’s anything else we can do to help with your workplace safety and health training. We’ve got safety and health online courses, a learning management system (LMS) for managing your safety training, and we can even make custom training for your workplace as part of a comprehensive safety training solution.

Before you dig into the information about hazcom below, feel free to check out our short sample video that demonstrates a few highlights of our safety and health courses.


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Online Scaffolding Training: Online Courses, Free Online Word Game, FAQs, and More

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OSHA puts out a list of the ten most commonly cited standard violations every year. Here’s a list of OSHA’s Top Ten, 2016. Scaffolding is on the list, and so we’ve got some great online scaffolding training available for you in this article.

Many of the same standards appear on the list again and again. As a result, we’ve pulled together a series of blogs to help you train your workers about each of the ten most cited standards. In this article, we’ve got a LOT of scaffolding training materials for you.

Let us know if you’ve got some other resources you’d suggest. The comments field awaits.

Before you dig into the information about scaffolding below, feel free to check out our short sample video that demonstrates a few highlights of our safety and health courses.


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OSHA Top Ten Violations for 2014

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OSHA just released its list of the top ten most frequently cited workplace safety violations for fiscal year 2014.

The 2014 list includes all the same all the same standards as last year’s list, and the four standards at the top of the list appear in the same order that they did last year, too.

The biggest “riser” was lockout/tagout (1910.147), which checked in at #8 last year but jumped up to #5 this year.

We’ve got the full list for you below. For each common violation, we’ve given a link to the regulation, a link to our related e-learning course(s), and a link to a special page of informational resources and training freebies for you. Check ’em all out.

Need help with your safety training? Check out our library of e-learning courses on safety and other topics, and don’t forget to check out our learning management systems (LMSs) for delivering and tracking those courses. Or, contact us now for a demo.


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How to Develop Technical Training (Tips from Dr. Ruth Colvin Clark)

developing technical training book imageWe help a lot of our customers develop technical training for their workers–primarily for jobs in manufacturing and industry.

And in addition, we also lead a lot of technical training to teach customers to use one or more of our learning management systems.

And so we wanted to check out this book by the very well-known and highly credible Dr. Ruth Colvin Clark: Developing Technical Training: A Structured Approach for Developing Classroom and Computer-Based Instructional Materials.

We like her books for many reasons, but two of the most important are that they tend to be comprehensive and they are backed with research to determine if training techniques are effective or not.

We recommend you read this book if you’re interested in developing some technical training materials. But, if you’d like to get an idea of what the book’s about, we’ve written an overview below.


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New OSHA Reporting Requirements for Fatalities, Severe Injuries, and Illnesses

OSHAOn September 11, 2014, we got news of some new OSHA reporting requirements that will go into effect on January 1, 2015.

Those changes will require employers to notify OSHA when:

  • A worker is killed on the job (notification must occur within eight hours)
  • A worker suffers a work-related hospitalization, amputation or loss of an eye (notification must occur within 24 hours)

All employers covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Act, even those who are exempt from maintaining injury and illness records, are required to comply with these new fatality and severe injury and illness reporting requirements.

The rule also updates the list of employers partially exempt from OSHA record-keeping requirements. According to OSHA:

“The previous list of exempt industries was based on the old Standard Industrial Classification system and the new rule uses the North American Industry Classification System to classify establishments by industry.” (Source)

Please check out our free GUIDE TO OSHA REPORTING & RECORDKEEPING for all you need to know.


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Create Your Own Safety Training With Articulate Studio

(Since writing this post, we also used it as a basis for webinar. You can view a demonstration of the steps written below by watching our How to Create Custom Safety Training webinar, or simply read on if you prefer reading.)

For many companies with safety training needs, off-the-shelf e-learning courses like the ones we make here at Convergence Training are a great option. They provide affordable access to quality training on common safety topics. However, every work environment is different, with unique health and safety hazards, and one-size-fits-all training can’t meet 100% of your EHS needs 100% of the time.

If you rely on a learning management system to help you deliver your training, it can help to have some experience creating your own e-learning courses. There are some really simple tools out there that let you create your own, complete with interactivity and quizzes, to help you fill in any gaps in your EHS training library.

In this post, we’ll show you how you can create safety training with an e-learning authoring tool called Articulate Studio. When we’re done, you will have made an e-learning course that teaches crane operators to identify crane hand signals. The course will include a simple interactive slide show and a quiz. And then you can apply the process to create safety training materials of your own on any topic you wish.


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New “Blended Learning for Safety Training” Article at ISHN

We’ve written a great article covering the basics of blended learning for safety training. It’s published in the September issue of ISHN magazine, so look for that if you’re a subscriber. It’s also available in digital form on ISHN.com, so go check it out now (free registration required).

And while you’re here, why not download our free Guide to Blended Learning Strategies, too?

Blended Learning Strategies Guide Btn

Guide to Blended Learning Strategies

Learn the importance of using differing training delivery methods and get some tips for selecting the right training method for each training need.

Download Free Guide

Blended Learning Strategies Guide Btn

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Better Mining Safety Training Visuals for New Miners: Using Visuals to Increase Learning

Mining Safety Training Better Visuals Image

Want your newly hired miners to really remember their training? Need to train a worker to perform a new task, such as operating a dozer, and later know how to perform that task in the field? Want to find a way to speed-up that process of remembering and learning?

If so, this post is for you, my friend.

Getting a newly hired miner up to speed on all of the critical aspects of mining and mining safety is a tough job. If you’re a safety manager in charge of safety training at a mine site, you already know this.

But what should you do about it? One of the smartest things you can do is to use training methods that are PROVEN to work better with learners who are new to the content area. In this case, that means new to safety issues related to working at your mine, and/or related to working a specific task at your mine site.

We’ll be writing a series of articles explaining different techniques for getting these “novice learners” up to speed in the coming weeks. In this post, we’ll look at one of the most effective: using visuals in your mining training.

And hey, don’t forget to download the Free Guide to MSHA Training Requirements at the bottom of this article. 


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Better Safety Training for New Employees: Using Visuals

better safety training for new employeesNeed to train a worker with no job experience in your industry about all the safety hazards at your site before they can begin working? Or maybe you have to get a new employee acquainted with the safe work practices of a new position he or she just moved into? If so, read on–this post is for you.

Training a newly hired employee about all the critical safety aspects of a job is  tough work. If you’re a safety manager in charge of safety training, we’re not telling you anything you don’t already know.

But what can you do to make your safety training better? One of the smartest things you can do is to use training methods that are proven to work better with learners who are new to the content area. In your case, that means they’re new to safety issues related to working at your site, and/or safety issues related to working a specific job.

We’ll be writing a series of articles explaining different techniques for getting these “novice learners” up to speed in the coming weeks. In this post, we’ll look at one of the most effective: using visuals in your training.

Contact Convergence Training now for help with your safety training, or check out our learning management systems and safety training e-learning courses.

While you’re here, you may want to download this free Guide to Effective EHS Training, too.


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Graphic Design Tips for eLearning: 25 Fundamental Techniques

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Looking for something you can do to create more effective learning experiences for your workers? Experiences in which the workers really learn and then transfer that learning to the workplace? We all are, right?

One of the easiest things you can do to help your workers learn is to create better training visuals that are well-conceived and designed. In fact, research shows that you can use better training visuals to dramatically increase your learner’s comprehension, retention, and transfer of behaviors to the workplace—and that’s especially true for “novice” learners who are new to a particular content area.

Want to know why this is true?  Want to learn some techniques to help you learn how to design great training materials? Sure you do! Just keep reading (and looking at the example visuals, of course) to learn more. We’ve got some great graphic design tips for elearning for you below–for any type of training, really.


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The Benefits of Optional, Elective-Based Training At the Workplace

If you administer a learning management system (LMS) at your workplace, or even if you’re just thinking about getting one, you may be focused on mandatory training assignments.

And that makes sense. There’s a lot of training that you’ll want to be 100% sure your employees complete: job-based training about their current position at your workplace, mandatory safety and compliance training — You can probably add more items to the list yourself.

Convergence Training is a training solutions provider. We make a series of learning management systems, many libraries of e-learning courses for workforce training, apps for mobile learning and performance support, and more. Contact us to ask some questions and set up a demo. 

You may also be interested in the free guides below:

But What About Elective Training?

With all that focus on mandatory training assignments, it can be easy to lose track of the value of making elective training available on an optional basis. What are some reasons to make optional elective training available to your workers, you ask? We’ll list a few below.


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