Improve Troubleshooting Skills with Process Training

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We work with lots of companies who are continually trying to improve the efficiency of their workers, machines, and work processes. This is critical to them because they need to create more product and spend less doing it. Overseas competition has made this need even more pressing, especially since labor costs are often significantly less for companies operating in other nations.

As a result, our customers want to help their workers become more knowledgeable, skilled, capable, and efficient. One customer in particular summed up what many different customers have told me when he said “I want to help my machine operators become machine engineers.” (If you’re out there, Steve, hello–hope you’re doing well.)

When he said he wants his employees to become “machine engineers,” one of the things he means is that he wants his employees to be able to recognize and troubleshoot production problems to keep machinery operating at peak efficiency. But how can a company help their employees improve their troubleshooting skills? One way is through process training. That’s what we’ll discuss in this article.

A related article looks at the development of troubleshooting and problem-solving skills, and how to how employees acquire those skills, in even more depth and detail. Don’t forget to check that one out too.


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Cold Stress: Safety Resources for Working in Cold Weather

cold-stressBaby, it’s cold outside. (I like that version, don’t you?)

Herein the US, cold weather is one its way once again, and it’s a good idea to consider how well prepared you and your workforce are for the lower temperatures.

Dealing with the cold may seem like common knowledge that we’ve all got under our belts, but the fact is that every year people suffer from hypothermia, frostbite, trench foot, and other cold-related problems.

So, we’ve pulled together some helpful resources about cold stress, frostbite, working in the cold, and generally keeping safe in the cold. They’re drawn from various sources, including OSHA, the Department of Labor, AAA, National Public Radio, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and more. Hopefully you’ll find one or more of these helpful.

Stay safe and stay warm!


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Risk Management and Safety

risk-management and safety imageIf you’re in safety or EHS, you may have heard of risk management.

Maybe you know exactly what that means. If so, great. We even encourage you to leave your insights, knowledge, and experience at the bottom of this article in the comments section.

But maybe you don’t, and maybe you’ve wondered about risk. If so, this post is for you. We’ll explain what risk management is and how risk management and safety are related.

Let’s start by defining some terms. ISO Guide 73:2009 includes the following definitions:

  • Risk–the effect of uncertainty on objectives
  • Risk management–coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with respect to risk

Now let’s look at each of those a little more closely in the sections below.

In addition, you’ll probably be excited to know there’s a free guide to using risk-based approaches for occupational safety and health management at the bottom of this article.


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Book Review: Robert Mager’s “Preparing Instructional Objectives”

Instructional Design Basics Image

We just finished reading Robert Mager’s Preparing Instructional Objectives, the classic book on learning objectives that’s also part of the six-book collection, The Mager Six Pack. (Yes, we bought the whole six pack, and you’ll be seeing book reviews about all of them over time).

Here’s our review of the book. You may also be interested in our more in-depth article about Mager’s Performance-Based Learning Objectives, which is the subject of the book.

Mager’s interesting because he’s one of the classic names in the history of instructional design, and this book is interesting because his performance-based learning objectives were very influential in instructional design. Plus, although there have been some changes in thought about learning objectives over time, most notably perhaps about how one presents them to learners, Mager’s emphasis on performance is very much in line with learning theory today (especially the emphasis on training to develop job skills).


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ANSI Z490.1 Sections 1, 2, and 3: A Brief Overview for Effective EHS Training

ANSI Z490.1 Sections 1 2 and 3 Image
(Note: ANSI and ASSE recently released a new, revised edition of ANSI Z490.1. This article has been updated to cover the new, revised, 2016 version.)

In a recent post, we introduced ANSI Z490.1 and gave a quick overview of it and its seven sections.

ANSI Z490.1 is important because it’s the national standard that lists criteria for accepted practices in safety, health, and environmental training. So if EHS training is part of your job responsibilities, it is definitely worth your time to get to know ANSI Z490.1.

So with no further delay, let’s turn our attention to Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the ANSI/ASSE Z490.1 standard on accepted criteria for EHS training.


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What Is a JHA (Job Hazard Analysis)?

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Not that long ago, I read an extended discussion in a LinkedIn group titled “What is a JHA?” The discussion included safety experts from all over the world and lots of interesting thoughts.

What it DIDN’T include was a common understanding of what a JHA is. So, leaning on some materials from our friends at OSHA as our primary source, we thought we’d introduce the concept here and provide an explanation that is acceptable and based on OSHA’s definitions and requirements. If you’ve got differing opinions about JHAs and JSAs and similar concepts, feel free to leave ’em at the bottom in the Comments section.

Also, know that you can download a FREE GUIDE TO CONDUCTING JHAs at the link you just passed or by clicking a button at the bottom of this article.


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OSHA Glossary of Terms: 10 Interactive OSHA Glossaries

glossary-graphicIn the past, we’ve published 10 different blog posts, with each post including a fully interactive, web-based OSHA glossary of terms including the terms and definitions included in an OSHA standard.

Those were so popular, we figured we’d put all 10 together into one post for you. Just scroll down and let your eyes travel over all ten. Nice, huh?

What OSHA glossary of terms (and standards) are included? From top to bottom, we’ve got the following for your viewing pleasure:

  • Fall Prevention and Protection, 1926.501
  • Hazard Communication 2012 /GHS, 1910-1200
  • Scaffolds, 1926.451
  • Respiratory Protection, 1910.134
  • Ladders, 1926.1053
  • Machine Guarding Glossary, 1910.212
  • Powered Industrial Trucks, 1910.178
  • Electrical—Wiring Methods, 1910.305
  • Lockout/Tagout (Control of Hazardous Energy), 1910.147
  • Electrical-General Requirements, 1910.303

Why did we pick these 10 standards? Because they’re consistently on OSHA’s list of the ten most cited violations.

Need any help with your safety training program at work? Convergence Training makes a line of learning management systems (LMSs), e-learning safety courses, and more. Check ’em out or contact us for a demo.

And hey, why not download our FREE 42-page Guide to Effective EHS Training?



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How to Chunk Training Materials

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If you want to know how to create more effective training materials, you need to know how to chunk training materials. And YES, chunking is the accepted term in the field, even if it does sound a bit strange.

Chunking is the process of breaking down instructional materials into smaller, “bite-sized” pieces and then arranging them in a sequence that makes it easier for your learners to learn the material.

In this post, we’ll:

  • Explain the four steps necessary for a person to remember something
  • Explain why limits of the working memory cause us to use chunking
  • Explain what chunking is
  • Give tips for chunk length for novice and expert learners
  • Give tips for organizing the chunks in your training materials
  • Provide some sources and useful resources for chunking

But, before we do all that, we’re going to take a step back and explain why you should care about this.


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Ebola at the Workplace: Some Helpful Guidances and Resources from OSHA and Others

ebolaBy now, you’re no doubt aware that the Ebola epidemic has spread past Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and a small number of other west-African nations and has reached nations in other continents, including the United States.

Given that, it’s a good idea to learn more about the Ebola virus and have a plan at your workplace in case the virus continues to spread.

OSHA Resources about Ebola

In response to recent events, OSHA’s created a Safety and Health Topic website that provides a lot of helpful information about Ebola, including some aspects specifically related to the workplace. We recommend checking it out.

There are a large number of helpful resources on that OSHA site, but a few we found especially interesting are:


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OSHA’s New Injury and Illness Online Reporting Requirement: A Sneak Peek

OSHAOSHA’s been busy making changes to the requirements for injury and illness record keeping and reporting.

In this post, we’re going to give you a screen-by-screen overview of a mock-up that OSHA created for their new injury and illness online reporting website.

If you’re in a hurry, scroll down until you see the first screen grabs. Otherwise, let’s take a short moment to review the recordkeeping and reporting changes first.

And before you leave, don’t forget to download OUR FREE GUIDE TO OSHA REPORTING & RECORDKEEPING.


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The ANSI Z490.1 Standard “Spells Out” Best Practices for EHS Training for You

ANSI Z490.1 Effective EHS Training Image

(Note: This article is based on the new, revised, 2016 version of ANSI Z490.1.)

Many companies, including probably yours, spend a lot of time, effort, and money trying to maintain high standards for the environment, health, and safety (EHS). And rightly so.

And those EHS often involve an EHS training component, as it should.

One reason EHS training is important is that regulatory agencies such as OSHA, MSHA, EPA, DOT, and others require it. They have requirements about when to train and how much to train. They even tell you it has to be of a certain quality. For example, OSHA tells you that EHS training must be effective, that you have to ensure it’s effective through some form of assessment, and that you have to provide the training in a language the employee understands.

And  yet, when you get your first job in EHS, nobody sits you down and teaches you how to design, create, and deliver effective EHS training. Nobody gives you a nice book on that, and it’s not spelled out in the EHS regulations.

But fortunately, we’ve got ANSI Z490.1 for that. ANSI Z490.1, titled “Criteria for Accepted Practices in Safety, Health and Environmental Training,” provides a national standard for creating, maintaining, and evaluating an EHS training program. Handy, huh?

In this article, we’ll give you a better idea of what Z490.1 is about and why you should buy a copy for yourself and use it.


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Better Safety Training with an LMS and Online Safety Training Courses

Better Safety Training with LMS and Online Safety Training Courses Image

I work with a lot of busy safety managers who are trying to improve their safety training programs. They’re typically looking for ways to use their time more efficiently while creating better training programs that have a real effect on their employees’ behaviors.

They hope they can reach these goals by using one of our learning management systems (LMSs) , or some of our 3D-animated online safety training courses, or both. And it’s true, they can.

Using an LMS and e-learning courses can save you time and also let you provide better safety training. But how? Well, some of the way are probably pretty obvious to you, and others may be things you haven’t thought of. Let’s break it down and consider some reasons.

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