Free Paper Manufacturing Interactive Glossary

free interactive paper manufacturing glossary

Here’s a cool interactive glossary of terms commonly used in the papermaking industry. Watch it here as many times as you want whenever you want. Or you can even download a free copy for yourself.

We’ve focused on some basics, and drew the images, terms, and definitions from two of our paper manufacturing e-learning courses: Pulping and Papermaking Overview and Introduction to Paper and Board Machines.

Of course, these are just two of MANY paper manufacturing titles we offer, but it’s a nice place to begin.

Hope you enjoy this glossary. Don’t forget to check out our paper manufacturing e-learning library while you’re here, too, or even download our two free guides to training in the paper manufacturing industry: Paper Manufacturing Training–the Basics and The Guide to Online Training for Paper Manufacturing.


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10 Reasons to Consider Online Safety Training: Case Studies + Examples

10 Benefits of Online Training Guide Image

Many work places use quite a bit of online training for EHS training, while others still haven’t made the online plunge.

If you’re not using it now, and perhaps are on the fence, you should know that there are plenty of reasons to use online EHS training for a safer workplace. Online training has proven itself, showing it can make training itself more effective in many instances; that it can reduce the cost of training (especially for large workforces or workforces that are spread over a great distance); that it can greatly reduce the time, effort, and cost necessary to administer training; and that it can provide a welcome element of variety to training for employees.

Read on for more reasons to consider adding an online aspect to your current EHS training program.


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New EHS Training Courses Available: DOT HAZMAT Safety; Respirator Basics; Blocking and Cribbing for Heavy Equipment; Metal-on-Metal Safety;

Here are the new courses we added to our EHS Training Library last month.

You can also just check all of the titles in our EHS training library and our Mining Safety training library.

We’ll keep announcing new courses each month as they roll out, so stay tuned for more.

You can view samples of each course below, but contact us for a demo for full-course previews.


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Tracking Training-Related EHS Leading Indicators

tracking-training-related-EHS-leading-indicatorsIn a recent article on EHS leading indicators, we touched on the topic of training-related EHS leading indicators. Meaning, stuff directly related to EHS training that can be used as a leading indicator for measuring general EHS performance at a company.

Since we’re a training company and offer a lot of EHS training solutions, we thought we’d double-back to that issue and show you how you can track some of those EHS leading indicators that are related to EHS training.

By tracking these, along with other EHS leading indicators, you can really begin to gather meaningful and actionable data about the performance of your EHS management system as a whole.

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New Manufacturing Training Courses Available: Operator Basic Care; Lubrication Basics

Here are the new courses we added to our Manufacturing Training Library last month.

You can also just check all of the titles in our following libraries:

We’ll keep announcing new courses each month as they roll out, so stay tuned for more.

You can watch samples of the new courses below, or contact us to set up a demo and view full-length previews.


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How to Create Your Own Safety Training e-Learning Course-Recorded Webinar

Create Your Own Online Safety Training eLearning Course Image

Ever wish you could create your own safety training eLearning course that fits your particular training needs and is based on your own site-specific information?

You can, and this recorded webinar (below) shows you how. The webinar runs almost exactly an hour, and you can listen any time.

Once you know how to do this, you can make your own eLearning course anytime you want. Maybe even combine it with some off-the-shelf safety training eLearning courses for a nice blend of generic and custom, site-specific safety training eLearning at your workplace.

If you’d prefer the same information in a different format, we’ve got the same information in a written blog post including lots of helpful screen grabs. Or hey, you can check ’em both out! Why not?

Note: This webinar shows how to use an authoring tool created by Articulate. Many companies make similar authoring tools, and the tool used below isn’t the most recent created by Articulate. That point isn’t too important, though–the main idea is to show you the general idea of how to make your own online safety training course and show how relatively easy it can be.

Also, there’s a free Guide to Effective EHS Training below the webinar that you’re free to download if you’d like.

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New Paper Manufacturing Training Courses: Fluidized Bed Boilers; Black Liquor Testing; Titration Fundamentals; and Paper Machine Doctor Blade Component and Troubleshooting

Here are the new courses we added to our Paper Manufacturing Training Library last month.

We’ll keep announcing new courses each month as they roll out, so stay tuned for more.

To set up a demo and see the full-length versions, feel free to contact us.


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10 Key Benefits of Online Safety Training

10 Benefits of Online Safety Training ImageWe believe the best way to provide safety training to your workers is to use a blended learning solution, mixing and matching the different types of training (instructor-led, field-based OJT, video, e-learning, written materials, social learning, webinars, etc.).

And that’s no surprise, since we write about it a lot, but also since it’s recommended by ASSE/ANSI z490.1, the US national standard for EHS training; by the noted learning researchers Dr. Ruth Colvin Clark (in her book Evidence-Based Training Methods) and by Dr. Will Thalheimer (in his Does eLearning Work? white paper); and by the US Department of Education, in their Evaluating Online Learning study.

But it’s also true that within a blended learning solution, when you select the type of training to use for each training need, you shouldn’t select randomly. Instead, you’ll want to look at the benefits and downsides of each training type, and try to find a match between training type and training need.

With that in mind, here’s a quick list of some advantages of online safety training. We’ve got 10 items on the list, and have given one or more examples or case study for each.

Hope you find some food for thought here.

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Best Practices for Contractor Management and Contractor Orientations

Best Practices for Contractor Management & Contractor Orientations Image

We work with a lot of clients to create training materials for manufacturers, including general manufacturing training, industrial maintenance training, health and safety training, and learning management systems to administer, deliver, track, and report on all that training.

Within that context, we create solutions to help our customers provide site-specific safety orientations to their contractors, visitors, and vendors.

Providing contractor orientations is an important aspect of contractor management, but it’s just one element. As a result, we’ve pulled together this quick overview of best practices for contractor management.

Give it the once-over, see what you think, and please leave your own thoughts, suggestions, and insights at the bottom in the comments section.

And don’t forget to download the free guide to contractor orientations at the bottom of this article.


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Free Manufacturing Training Webinar–Recorded

Manufacturing Training Recorded Webinar Image

We held a webinar that explained how to make “Manufacturing Training that Works” not all that long ago. If you missed that webinar, you can view a recorded version of it right here time you wish. The webinar runs 40 minutes even.

You can watch and listen to our free, recorded Manufacturing Training that Works webinar at our Webinars page.

Plus, we’ve got more great resources related to manufacturing training for you below as well.

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Blended Learning for Manufacturing Training

Blended Learning for Manufacturing Training Image

You can’t train a manufacturing workforce using just one “type” of training–just field-based OJT, just written materials, just instructor-led classroom-style training, just e-learning, etc.

Well, you can. But you won’t get the most effective training, and you won’t create a cost-effective training program. So you don’t want to.

Instead, it’s best to use a “blended learning” solution that mixes and matches different types of training. In fact, this recent and well-respected study suggests that blended learning solutions tend to lead to best learning results.

In this article, we’ll give a few reasons why you should consider a blended learning solution for your workers; give you some tips for creating the right blend to help workers acquire basic knowledge, develop skills and learn procedures, and develop advanced job skills that really create value for your company; and show you some tools and techniques for making this all happen smoothly.

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Training Manufacturing Workers for Next Job in Line of Progression

training-manufacturing-workers-for-next-job-inline-of-progressionAt many manufacturing companies, employees enter the workforce in a role reserved for new hires, then work their way through an organized line of progression from their first job to the next job and so on throughout their careers.

As a result, it’s helpful to have a plan in place, and some tools to use, to help train workers at each position and better prepare them for success at each new job during their career with your organization.

In this post, we’ll give some tips and introduce some tools you can use to improve the line of progression training at your facility and make administering it more efficient.

By the time you’re done reading, you should have enough information to help you deliver (a) more effective training to your employees in each job position, (b) at a lower cost, and all while (c) spending less time administering the training. You’ll be better prepared to move new employees from one position to the next in their line of progression, and as a bonus you’ll find some tools to help you cross-train employees so they can fill multiple job roles if necessary.


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