Learning Objectives for Safety Training: Read Our Article in ASSE’s “Professional Safety” Magazine

We’ve published a new article in a series of articles related to safety training in the January issue of Professional Safety, the official magazine of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE).

Each of the articles provides tips for better safety training, and they all take as a starting point different key parts of the ASSE/ANSI Z490.1 standard on Effective Safety Training. In this particular article, we focused on using learning objectives for safety training.

To stay up to date with this series and a lot of great safety information, check out Professional Safety magazine and of course the ASSE/ANSI Z490.1 standard for Effective Safety Training.

Also, you might be interested to learn that ASSE and ANSI are putting together ANSI Z490.2, which will deal with online or “virtual” safety training. We’re on the committee to help create that–here’s our latest article about the development of ANSI Z490.2 for Online Safety Training.

Finally, we’ve got some safety-training-related freebies for you. To learn more about blended safety training, download our free Beginner’s Guide to Blended Learning by clicking the link you just past or download our free Guide to Effective Safety Training, which is based on Z490.1, by clicking the large download button at the bottom of this article.


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18 Online Safety Training Myths Debunked

Online Safety Training Myths Debunked

What are your thoughts about online safety training? Do you think you believe any online safety training myths?

If you’re like a lot of folks, you’ve got some specific ideas about online safety training. Some of those may be spot-on. But others may be a bit off-target. Maybe even myths.

We’re going to take a closer look at some myths about online safety training and do a little mythbustin’. Put on your PPE and follow along.


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Improve Your Workplace Safety Record with Online Safety Training

Online Safety Training and Decreasing Safety Incidents ImageYou probably try to improve your workplace safety record every day you’re at work.

But it’s natural to give that a little more thought around the end of the year, when you’re creating some plans and goals for the next 12 months.

If you ARE thinking about improving your safety record next year, there are a number of things you could do. Maybe you’ll implement a safety and health management system, for example. That would be a good idea.

And maybe you’re thinking of improving your safety training. That would be a good idea, too. After all, safety training is a leading indicator for workplace safety.

In this article, we’re going to show you a few ways that adding online workplace safety training can help you create a safer, healthier workplace.

Beyond that, we encourage you to download our free Guide to Effective Safety Training, which you can get by clicking the link you just read past. We’ve also got a second free guide that explains some real-life benefits that customers of ours have experienced after adding online safety training programs at work–that’s at the bottom of this article.


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12 Ways to Deliver Online Employee Safety Training

12 Ways to Deliver Online Safety Training ImageIf you’re thinking of adding an online training element to your current safety training program, you may be wondering how you can use your new online training capabilities. Exactly how might you use your online employee safety training?

And by that, we mean different what are the different options about when and how your employees would view and complete the online training within the entire safety training program?

Let’s take a look, shall we?


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OSHA Top Ten Violations, 2016: Extended Data Released

Back in October, at the National Safety Council’s annual Safety Congress, we got our first look at OSHA’s Top Ten Violations list for 2016. We covered that for you in an earlier blog post.

But every year, OSHA follows up that initial announcement with a second announcement that includes a lot more data.

That information is out now, and we’ve got it for you below.

Remember that in a lot of cases, these violations can be avoided with proper safety and health training at your workplace.


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Conference Wrap-Up: Western Pulp, Paper, and Forest Products Safety and Health Conference

We just completed attending, presenting at, and exhibiting at the recent Western, Pulp, Paper, and Forest Products Safety and Health Conference in Portland, Oregon (December 2016). A triple threat–how about that!

First off, a thousand thanks to Oregon OSHA and everyone involved in planning, organizing, and putting on the conference. Here’s a list of other conferences that Oregon OSHA’s putting on, including of course the upcoming Governor’s Occupational Health and Safety Conference (GOSH), which happens in Portland, OR on March 6-9, 2017.

And of course, thanks to everyone else, too. This includes the conference attendees (the whole reason for the conference), the conference presenters (lots of very smart and experienced people were sharing valuable information at the conference this year), and the conference exhibitors explaining their health and safety offerings (a special shout-out here from me to folks from the Oregon Healthy Workforce Center and Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, both of whom had some good stuff and were mighty knowledgeable and friendly). And let’s not forget the hotel staff who took care of everything so we could focus on learning–rooms, food, and more.

I’d also like to say thanks in particular to everyone who I had a chance to meet with and talk to at the show. It’s always a pleasure to get out of the office and meet others in the field, and invariably a learn a lot from it.

Below is an overview of the conference presentations that we attended through the three-day meeting and the conference presentation we delivered at the end of the third day. Obviously, if you attended you may have seen some different presentations than we did, so hopefully you’ll (1) find our brief overviews below interesting and (2) you’ll use the comments section at the bottom of this article to tell us about the presentations you attended or led yourself.

For those of you who attended the Effective Safety Training presentation that we led, we’ll include some links below where you can download some additional information on effective safety training, and we’ll let you know about a second follow-up blog post specifically for you (which we haven’t yet completed but will soon).

If you stopped by  at the Convergence Training exhibit desk, liked what you saw in our solutions for health and safety training, pulp and paper training, and general training management software, feel free to drop an email to our representative Brian Andrewjeski.



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Fun Online Safety Training: 11 Safety Training Word Games for You

fun online safety training game imageHey, looking for some fun online safety training?

If so, we’ve got some new stuff for you here. Plus, even better, it’s free.

You may know that from time to time we make safety training word games and leave them here for you to play anytime you want. Well, we’ve done it again. In this article, we’ve got links that will let you play 11 different online safety training word games. Each game is based on a different safety training topic. The topics included are the same regulations that appear on a recent year’s OSHA’s Top Ten Citations list.

Hope you enjoy the games. Let us know what you think.


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Implementing and Operating an OHSMS: 4 Steps to Getting It Right

Implementing and Operating an OHSMS imageIn this article, we’re going to return to and continue our look at occupational health and safety management systems. An occupational health and safety management system is often known as an OHSMS, and this is now the fifth article in the series. (We’ve listed and linked all the articles in the series at the bottom of this article.)

If you’ve been reading the earlier articles in this series, welcome back. If you’re new to the series, we’re happy to have you. This particular article will be about implementing and operating an occupational health and safety management system, or OHSMS.

As we’ve mentioned in the previous articles, the entire series of articles is based on information from ANSI Z10, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. We really recommend that you buy a copy of the Z10 standard for yourself. It’s only $105, and there’s a ton of useful information in it, including a large collection of helpful appendices at the end. Actually, the appendices at the end are worth the cost of the standard alone. And when does it hurt to get expert guidance and helpful resources from the experts at ANSI and ASSE?

So, with all those introductions and prefaces, let’s look at implementing and operating an OHSMS.

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Fun Electrical Safety Training Game

Want to make your safety training at work a little more fun?

Need a little game to play during a safety meeting? Or wish you had a way to give workers a refresher of some important terms and ideas?

Or maybe just to test your own safety chops?

If so, we’ve got a fun online safety training word game for you here. It’s kind of like the TV show Wheel of Fortune, except it’s based on electrical safety.


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Fun Lockout-Tagout Training Game (for Authorized Employees)


Important? You bet?

Requires training? Absolutely.

But can be a little-less-than-exciting? Yep.

To help with that, at least a little bit, we’ve got this lockout-tagout training game for you. It’s for the authorized employee lockout role. Check our blog for a similar game for the affected employees too.

Have fun and enjoy and, of course, be safe.


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Fun Lockout-Tagout Training Game (for Affected Employees)

We make lots of stuff to help you with safety training at work.

We’ve got a learning management system (LMS) to help you administer training. We make online health and safety training courses on many common safety training topics.

And hey, we even make free and fun safety training games for you. Like this one about lockout-tagout and the affected employee role.

It’s basically the same thing you’re familiar with from the TV show Wheel of Fortune, except it’s based on lockout-tagout and the affected employee role. Plus we’ve got no Vanna White for you–sorry.


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