Recorded Webinar: Comparing Online Safety Training Systems

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Hello readers, viewers, and listeners!

We held a live webinar recently and wanted to make it available in a recorded, on-demand version for you.

You can view our free, recorded Evaluating Online Safety Training webinar at our Webinars page

The webinar lasts for just about an hour and covers the following:

  1. What is online safety training?
  2. Why consider online safety training?
  3. Evaluating online safety training providers
  4. Evaluating online safety training courses
  5. Evaluating online safety training management systems

In addition, we’ve provided links below so you can:

  1. Download the presentation in PDF format
  2. Download a free Online Safety Training Buyer’s Guide Checklist
  3. View a bunch of other related resources as well

You may also find our article on Evaluating Online Safety Training Solutions helpful.


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What is EHS and Why is it Important?

What Is EHS (Environment, Health, and Safety) Image

EHS stands for Environment, Health, and Safety. It’s a general term used to refer to laws, rules, regulations, professions, programs, and workplace efforts to protect the health and safety of employees and the public as well as the environment from hazards associated with the workplace. You can also think of it as what makes up the profession of occupational safety and health professionals (plus their good friends in the Environmental department).

Although EHS is a common way to abbreviate this, you’ll also see HSE or other versions. And sometimes you’ll see the addition of a “Q” for Quality, as in EHSQ.

We’ll learn a little more about EHS in this article, including who’s responsible for it and some tools used in the field.


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10 Daily Workplace Safety Tips in Manufacturing

No one wants to get hurt, but sometimes we neglect best safety practices because it takes extra time and effort, a little extra time is always worth it to avoid an injury.

Checking workplace safety throughout the day is an easy way to keep your working environment safe. If you are a supervisor, it shows your employees that you care about them and their well-being. Being safety oriented can help improve your employees’ morale, productivity, and even make a good impression on visitors.

If you are an employee, following safety protocols are in your and your coworkers’ best interests. We’ve got 10 good tips for keeping you and other people safe at work below. Give them a quick review and we hope they help to keep you safe and healthy.


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Types of Online Safety Training: 2 Main Options for Employers

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If your company is thinking of getting some online safety training, it would be logical to want to know more about it before you plunk down a bunch of money.

This is the first article in a series that will help you answer some common questions and help you find the type of online safety training system that’s best for your company.

In this article, we’ll look at two common types of online safety training: on-demand online safety training and online safety training that’s administered using learning management systems (LMSs).

Once you’re done with this article, you may also be interested in a second article, Pros and Cons of Different Types of Online Safety Training Solutions.


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6 Steps to Better Workforce Safety Training

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Want to know how to design, create, and deliver better safety training at work? Effective safety training? The kind of safety training that has a real effect on incident rates, driving them down? That contributes to a healthier, safer work environment?

We’ve got a pretty simple, six-step formula for success for you to follow in this article. Follow and put these six steps at work with your own safety training and you’ll watch your safety training program become more effective right before your own eyes. And as a result, your safety and health program will benefit as well. And that’s what we all want, right?

We’ve explained each step in some detail below. Enough to get started if that’s all you’re looking for. But we’ve also included links to more complete articles on the six different steps if you really want to dive deep.

That’s not all, though. We’ve also included a free Guide to Effective Safety Training download for you.

Now, let’s see how you can create more effective safety training at your work.


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8 Reasons to Add Online Safety Training for Employees

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Potential customers often ask if we can provide reasons to add online safety training to their current workforce safety training program.

It’s a good question. Why just jump into a new thing if you don’t know if it will benefit your safety program or what those benefits will be? Exactly how will adding online safety training help employees, managers, and the business as a whole?

In this article, we’ve laid out 8 solid reasons to add online safety training at work. This should show you how you’ll benefit. Our list will include some things you might have thought of already, plus some things you may not have thought of.

If you finish this article and decide you want to explore this issue further, check out some of the following resources as well:

And let us know if you’d like to set up a preview or demo.


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8 Ways to Pitch Online Safety Training Programs To Your Boss

Ways to Pitch Online Safety Training Image
Ready to pitch online safety training to your boss at work, but not quite sure how to frame your argument?

In this article, we’ve got the information you need to make a convincing case.

Once you’ve got the OK from the boss(es), you can then begin searching for and evaluating the online safety and health training solutions that work best for your company. Our recorded How to Compare Online Safety Training Systems webinar will help with that, and so will our free Online Safety Training Buyer’s Guide Checklist.

But that’s the next step. For now, let’s get started on arguments for pitching online safety training to the boss. You have to get the OK first, right?

Use the comments section at the bottom if you’ve got any questions or if you’ve got some ideas of your own about this. And notice we’ve put the free Online Safety Training Buyer’s Guide Checklist download button at the bottom of this article, too.

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5 Steps of Monitoring, Evaluation, & Correcting Your OHSMS

Here’s another article in our series about occupational health and safety management systems (OHSMS).

In this article, we’re going to explain what to do once you’ve implemented your OHSMS, it’s in operation, and you want to monitor it, evaluate the performance, and make any corrections necessary to improve results.

As a reminder, this entire series is based on ANSI Z10 (2012), the ANSI/ASSE standard on occupational health and safety management systems. We encourage you to buy a copy, which you can do here.

And with that, let’s get started.


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Pros and Cons of Different Types of Online Safety Training

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In a recent article, we explained two primary types of online safety training solutions. They were on-demand online safety training and online safety training administered with a learning management system (LMS). In this article, we’re going to give you a quick breakdown of the pros and cons of types of online safety training solutions.

Keep in mind that we are by necessity generalizing about different individual online safety training solutions that belong to either of the two types. Within each type, you’ll find different solutions that offer entirely different features or the same features that perform in different manners. We discussed that in more detail in the article mentioned and linked above.

Also keep in mind that although we’re presenting this information in a pros and cons format, that doesn’t mean there’s any one system that’s automatically best. The purpose of knowing the two different basic types and knowing some of the pros and cons of each is simply to help you begin to find the type of online safety training that works best for you company today and in the future as well.


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6 Steps of Evaluating Online Safety Training

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In this article, we’re going to walk you through six steps of evaluating different online safety training solutions–this includes online safety training courses, online safety management management systems (typically known as a learning management system or LMS), mobile apps and mobile safety training, and the online safety training providers.

You can use this as a roadmap for moving through the evaluation and purchasing process. Kind of like an online safety training buyer’s guide.

So if you know you want to make the investment in online safety training at work, and you just need some help figuring out which system to go with, here’s your one-stop-shopping guide.

If you’d rather not read all this, we have much of the same information for you in this recorded webinar on evaluating online safety training.

And, we’ve also got a free online safety training buyer’s guide checklist for you that covers some of the same ground as the article below.


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Trenching and Excavation Training: OSHA Announces Rise in Trenching & Excavation Deaths

Trenching and Excavation Training Materials Example
2016 was a horrible, injurious, and deathly year for trenching and excavation accidents, and as a result we’re drawing together some sobering statistics, trenching and excavation training materials, and additional trenching & excavation informational resources for you.

Let’s hope that things turn around in 2017 and we see NO injuries and fatalities related to trenching and excavation. But if that’s going to happen, we’ve all got some serious work to do to reverse trends not just from 2016 but from the past five years, as the data below will show you.


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Convergence Training Puts Down New Roots

In June 2016, we announced the creation of Convergence Training LLC as a privately-held spin-off of Capstone Technology Corp. Since then, we’ve gone through quite a few changes, including a complete logo redesign and a move to our new location. In fact just yesterday, our whole team stepped outside to witness the installation of our new company sign with our new logo at the top of our new building, a scene that punctuated a monumental shift in our evolution as a company.

As Convergence Training LLC, we continue to define a brand that represents the intersection of people, technology, and quality content. And everything about our new location supports the form, function, and clarity of that message. ​We’ve retained a world-class team, developing cutting edge software, while designing meaningful and effective training material. Now, we get to do all that great work in a space that expresses everything we’re about.

So come visit us at 4600 NW Camas Meadows Dr, Suite 200, Camas WA 98607. Walk through our new workspace and experience where we create the best training you can buy. And don’t forget to glance up at that beautiful sign, all lit up. It really means a whole lot to us.


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