How to Use Spaced Practice to Support Memory in Job Training

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The human brain is amazing. And so are the human abilities to learn new information and skills, remember them, and later retrieve and use them when it’s needed.

But if you’re involved in training and/or learning and development, you also know it’s not all that easy. And one of the big problems is that people tend to forget much of what they learned in training.

We’ve addressed some of the reasons why this happens earlier in our articles Why Don’t People Remember Their Training? and How People Learn (or Don’t). In this article, we’re going to continue looking at issues related at this general theme of forgetting and how to better support memory after training.

In particular, we’re going to focus our attention more specifically on the learning curve, the forgetting curve, and spaced practice. We think this will make you see more value in refresher training, for one thing. But we’ll include tips for using spaced practice at points of the learning and development cycle beyond just refresher training, too.


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Join Us at the Michigan Safety Conference in Novi, MI, April 11-12, 2017

Attention all Michiganders: we’ll be in the Mighty Mitten state April 11 and 12 for the Michigan Safety Conference.

Come to the show and swing by Booth 335 to see the best online health and safety training solutions out there, including health and safety online courses as well our as Enterprise LMS for health and safety training management. Solutions Specialist Brian Andrewjeski will be there to answer any questions you may have and demonstrate anything you may want to see.

As you may already know, the conference is in Novi, Michigan at the Suburban Collection Showplace.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there! You can shoot us an email if you have any questions.


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Meet Us at the 75th Annual Wisconsin Safety & Health Conference and Exposition

We’re excited to announce that we’ll be exhibiting and leading a presentation at the Wisconsin Safety and Health Conference and Exposition in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin on April 10-12, 2017. The conference is at the Kalahari Resort in the Dells.

Come by booth 1711 and talk with Colby Matney and Scott Rise about our amazing safety and health eLearning courses and safety training management systems (LMSs). We’ve got some samples below of some of the things they’ll demonstrate at the show.

In addition, Senior Learning & Development Specialist Jeff Dalto will be leading a presentation at the show on Effective Safety Training. The presentation will be based on a lot of the elements discussed in the free Guide to Effective Safety Training that you can download from the bottom of this article.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there! You can shoot us an email if you have any questions.


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Read Our Article on Blended Safety Training in March Issue of ASSE’s “Professional Safety” Magazine

We’ve published another in a series of articles related to safety training in the March issue of Professional Safety, the official magazine of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE).

The series of articles provides tips for better safety training, and takes as a starting point some key parts of the ASSE/ANSI Z490.1 standard on Effective Safety Training. In this particular article, we focused on how to use a “blended learning solution,” as Z490.1 recommends, to get the best safety training.

We encourage you to check out the ASSE, their Professional Safety magazine, and of course their ANSI Z490.1 standard for Effective Safety Training. Also, be aware that ANSI and ASSE are beginning the process of creating ANSI Z490.2, which will deal with online or “virtual” safety training. We’re on the committee to create that standard and you can read more about that here.

Finally, we’ve got some safety-training-related freebies for you. To learn more about blended safety training, download our free Beginner’s Guide to Blended Learning by clicking the link you just past or download our free Guide to Effective Safety Training, which is based on Z490.1, by clicking the large download button at the bottom of this article.


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The 2017 Ohio Safety Congress & Expo: Visit our Booth to See the Best Safety Training Anywhere

It must be conference season, because we’re headed out to a lot of shows lately.

To that point, if you’re in the Buckeye state of Ohio, or nearby, we hope you’ll be at the upcoming 2017 Ohio Safety Congress & Expo in beautiful and hip Columbus, OH at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. The dates, you ask? March 8-10.

If you do make it, swing on by and check out our award-winning safety training materials, including online safety/health/environmental training courses and our Convergence LMS for training administration.

Our very own Colby Matney and Brian Andrewjeski will be at Booth 833 waiting to help you.

Got any questions? Let us know. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you.


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What is Visual Learning? Identifying and Understanding the Benefits of Visual Learning

Humans are visual creatures.

Going back a bit in time, vision was important to us on the African savanna to recognize predators and find food.

And although today most of us spend less time dodging leopards than our ancestors might have, it’s easy enough to see the importance of vision in our lives. How long do you go without watching a movie at the cinema, viewing a film on Netflix, or playing a video game? Or even consider music–don’t you often experience music in a music video, or while watching a stage full of dancers?

Why are so many of the dominant forms of entertainment visually oriented? Because, to return to our beginning, humans are visual creatures.

And so it makes a lot of sense to take advantage of that for workforce learning and development.

We’ll discuss this a bit in this blog post.


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See You at Oregon GOSH 2017–Portland, OR–Tuesday, March 7-Thursday, March 9

We’ll be attending the GOSH (Oregon Governor’s Occupational Safety and Health) conference, March 6-9, at the Oregon Convention Center in downtown Portland, OR this year.

Stop by and say “hi” to Josh Swink in Booth 429. Josh will show you our eLearning courses for environmental, health, and safety training; our courses for mining safety training and MSHA compliance; and our Convergence LMS for managing and administering your safety training programs. You can also talk to Josh about custom safety training and our new mobile apps for safety training while you’re there.

In addition, Senior Learning & Development Specialist Jeff Dalto will be leading a presentation on Comparing Different Online Safety Training on Wednesday, March 8 at 10:30 am to noon. The presentation should help you if your company is looking to add an online safety training solution at work but you’re not sure how to start your search. Jeff will cover much of what he’s covered in a recent webinar on this topic–check our the blog page we have dedicated to that webinar for more information and related resources.

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ANSI Z490.2–Upcoming ANSI/ASSE National Standard on Accepted Practices for Virtual Training in OSH&E Management

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Are you familiar with ANSI Z490.1Criteria for Accepted Practices in Safety, Health, and Environmental Training–from our friends at ANSI and ASSE?

You may be on your own. Or perhaps you’ve read our series of articles about Z490.1, or even downloaded our free Effective Safety Training guide, which is in agreement with much of Z490.1.

Well, in addition to all your appreciation of Z490.1, I’m excited to bring some additional joy into your life. In the form of ANSI Z490.2. This is an upcoming standard on “virtual” EHS training.

How do I know about Z490.2, you ask? Good question! Because I was just accepted to work together with a lot of other folks to put the standard together. As you can imagine, I’m pretty excited to work on the standard and to help guide it toward completion.

We’re writing about this now for two reasons. First, as a head’s up that the standard is in the works. And second, to let you know we plan on writing an occasional article here at the Convergence Training blog updating you (when I can) on the status of the standard and maybe sharing some insights into how a national standard is created.

Because I literally just got accepted, and because the project is in the earliest phases, there’s not a ton to tell you right now. What I CAN say is I looked at the names of the participants and saw some folks I respect quite a good deal. So that’s a good sign.

Let us know if you’ve got any questions or suggestions by using the comments section below. And we’ll keep you posted here at the blog.

Don’t forget to download the free guide below!


Effective EHS Training: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to design, create, deliver, and evaluate effective EHS training by following these best practices with our free step-by-step guide.

Download Free Guide


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Catch Us at the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) Annual Conference

Annual Conference of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) and CMA 119th National Western Mining Conference in Denver, Colorado.

The conference is February 19-22, 2017, and will be held at the Colorado Convention Center.

Valerie Cantrell and Brian Andrewjeski will be staffing our booth, talking to conference attendees, taking questions, and demonstrating our Mining Safety learning management system (LMS), our mining safety eLearning courses, general safety and health eLearning courses, mobile training apps, and more.

You can find Val and Brian at Booth 1728.

Read on below if you’d like to learn more about the materials they’ll be demonstrating at SME.


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OSHA’s New Reporting Requirements: Online Injury and Illness Reporting at OSHA’s Website

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[Since we originally published this article, OSHA delayed the submission deadline, established an automated notification system on March 17 to inform people about current status of online reporting, and sent out its first automated notification on May 24….scroll down a few paragraphs to the italic and bold text to learn about the automated notification system (italics) and the delay of the submission deadline (bold).]

By now, you’ve probably heard about OSHA’s new reporting requirements that will make most employers to submit online injury and illness reporting data at an OSHA webpage.

If not, or if you’re still a little fuzzy on all the details, we’ve got information about the new online injury and illness reporting requirements here for you.

It should be an interesting change for lots of businesses.

The information in the article below should be a good start to get you ready for OSHA’s new reporting requirements and online injury and illness data submission. And for the full picture, PLEASE DOWNLOAD OUR FREE GUIDE TO OSHA REPORTING & RECORDKEEPING.

[Late-breaking news: As of March 17, 2017, OSHA is not yet accepting online electronic submissions of injury and illness reports. They have set up a system that will notify you via email when the online submission system is ready and how to use it. You can sign up for those notifications here].

More news as of May 24, 2017–I just received an email update from OSHA about the online reporting as a result of signing up for the notification mentioned above. In it, OSHA says “OSHA is not accepting electronic submissions of injury and illness logs at this time, and intends to propose extending the July 1, 2017 date by which certain employers are required to submit the information from their completed 2016 Form 300A electronically.” I’ve included an image of the email I received from OSHA below.


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Online Environmental Training: EPA Regulations & Environmental Training Needs Explained (and Environmental Training Samples)

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The United States EPA enforces regulations intended to reduce pollution in the United States.

These regulations include the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), which creates a framework for the proper management of solid waste, both hazardous and non-hazardous; oil spills prevention and preparedness regulations, including the Spill Prevention Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) rules and the Facility Response Plan (FRP) rule; and stormwater rules.

In this article, we’ll provide an overview of those rules, provide some additional information, and make some online environmental training suggestions for you as well.

The EPA training and environmental training online course samples used to illustrate the EPA regulations all come from our Environment, Health, and Safety online training library.

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Online Safety Training Glossary: Terms to Know In Your Search for Online Safety Training

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Looking to buy an online safety training solution? Maybe some online courses, maybe a learning management system (LMS), or maybe both?

But maybe also a little….intimidated by all the jargon and special terms?

Well, you’ve come to the right place, my friend. We’ve put together a handy glossary of terms you may run into while you’re researching and evaluating online safety training.

We’ve probably included more words than any one person or company will need to look up, but what’s the harm of having extras? On the flip-side, please use the comments section at the bottom of this article if you think we’ve missed something.

Hope you find this helpful!

2 NOTES: You may also find this free, on-demand webinar about Comparing Online Safety Training Solutions helpful, and we’ve included a free Online Safety Training Buyer’s Guide Checklist you can download from the bottom of this article.


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