OSHA Basics: The General Duty Clause–5(a)(1)

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In this installment of our OSHA Basics series, we’re going to give you a quick introduction to OSHA’s so-called “General Duty Clause.” The General Duty Clause is found in Section 5 of the OSH Act–5(a)(1), to be exact. And in general terms, it’s OSHA’s requirement that employers provide employees with a safe work environment that’s free of recognized hazards.

You probably know OSHA has many specific safety & health requirements for specific safety and health hazards–things like welding fumes, airborne particulates, and confined spaces, for example. But you can probably also understand that there may be unsafe, hazardous working conditions that aren’t covered by a specific OSHA standard. That’s the situation that OSHA’s General Duty Clause was created to cover–it’s a bit of a safety at work catch-all.

Read on to find out what the General Duty Clause is, how it’s related to an employer’s responsibility for occupational safety and health, and how an OSHA inspector might cite an employer for violating the General Duty Clause.

Plus, feel free to download our free Guide to OSHA General Industry Compliance Guide at any time, and stay tuned for a similar guide for Construction.


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OSHA Online Reporting Deadline: July 1, 2018

OSHA Form 300A Image

For many (but not all) employers, July 1, 2018 is the deadline for submitting your calendar year 2017 form 300A, the Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, using OSHA’s still-relatively new online submission portal.

To find out which employers have to submit their 300As on July 1, and to find out where to do that, read on.

Also, feel free to download our FREE GUIDE TO OSHA REPORTING & RECORDKEEPING.


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Tips for Reducing Laceration Hand Injuries in the Workplace

Hand Laceration Image

Lacerations, especially to the hands, are perennially one of the top workplace injuries. In fact, here’s what one customer told us recently: “Hand injuries account for about 1/3 of my company’s total injuries. We take every opportunity to raise Hand Safety awareness.”

Not only do cuts hurt, but they can sideline employees for days, weeks—sometimes even permanently: just about every job requires a worker to have healthy hands. Cuts are also more costly than most employers realize.

The good news is that lacerations are largely preventable. Proper training and PPE are important but, cutting to heart of the problem, so is choosing tools that are as safe as possible.

We asked TJ Scimone of Slice Inc., to talk with us about cutting hazards in the workplace and different methods workplaces and workers can use to protect themselves. We’re very pleased to have TJ share his experience and knowledge in the interview below.


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Story-Based Training and Scenario-Based Training: An Interview with Anna Sabramowicz

Storytelling, Scenarios, and Training Image

Today’s an exciting day because we got superstar-rock star eLearning developer Anna Sabramowicz of eLearner Engaged to sit and talk with us about using storytelling and scenarios to create more engaging, inspiring, motivating learning events.

Many of you already know that Anna is famous for creating the Broken Coworker eLearning course and winning an Articulate Storyline Guru Contest Award for that course.

In this interview, she’s going to tell us how she got started using storytelling and scenarios in training, tell us why we should consider doing the same in some of our own training materials, and give us some tips for creating and telling good stories and setting up good scenarios for learning.

We’d really like to thank Anna for taking the time to talk with us and to share all her expertise in storytelling, scenarios, and training, and for giving all the people who read this article some simple tips for doing the same themselves as well as for inspiring us to do so. We’ve included more information about how to follow Anna at the bottom of this article.

We hope all the readers out there try to add some story-based and scenario-based training into their overall workforce training program as part of a blended learning solution that uses other kind of training, too. Give it a shot–it will be fun.

Here’s a recorded video of the discussion. If you’d rather read, we typed up a transcript and you can see that by clicking the MORE button.



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Customer Success Story: Rengo Packaging

Customer Success Story Rengo Packaging Image

Rengo Packaging, Incorporated is a corrugated packaging manufacturer that specializes in custom-design packaging systems. They’re located in Kapolei, Hawaii and have fantastic management, employees, and a rock-star HR/AC/Administration/IT Manager, Manu Bermudes.

Rengo partnered with Convergence Training some years ago and since they began with us have used a number of our products and services, including our Contractor LMS, our flagship Convergence LMS, our online courses for corrugated packaging manufacturing (known as “Box Plant Basics”), and additional online training courses on safety and manufacturing topics.

Manu was kind enough to take some time from her very busy schedule to talk with us about her experience using Convergence Training products and working with Convergence on the development of the training program at Rengo. As you’ll see, Manu’s a powerhouse and a special person, and we had nothing but a great time working with her.

Check out the interview below and be ready to be inspired by Manu and by everyone at Rengo.


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The Fall Prevention & Protection Hierarchy of Controls

Fall Prevention & Protection Hierarchy of Controls Image

As part of our extended look at preventing falls in construction, all of which is part of our observance of the recent 2018 National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction, we’re going to take a look at the the fall prevention & protection hierarchy of controls in this article.

In addition to this article, remember we’ve also written the following related to falls, fall prevention, and fall protection recently:

There are also many other great fall protection resources out there, including the OSHA Fall Protection/Prevention Safety and Health Topic Page and this CDC/NIOSH Falls in the Workplace website. Please use the comments section at the bottom of this article if there are other fall prevention & protection resources out there you’d like to share with other readers.


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Convergence Training Incident Management System (IMS) Wins 2018 ISHN “EHS Management Software” Reader’s Choice Award

ISHN Reader Choice Winner Award EHS Management Software Convergence Training Image

Last year, Convergence Training won the ISHN Best Safety Training Reader’s Choice Award and the ISHN ASSE Safety 2017 Best Safety Training Attendees Award for our MSHA Training series of online safety training courses (designed primarily for MSHA Part 46 compliance).

This year, we added to that by winning the 2018 ISHN EHS Management Software Reader’s Choice award for our brand-spankin’ new Incident Management System software, which we call our IMS. Thanks to ISHN and all their readers for voting for us again this year!

We’re pumped about the win, as you’d expect.

What does our IMS do? Well, here’s a list features for starters:

  • Incident reporting, including attaching photos/documents/videos/audio
  • Incident investigations
  • Assigning corrective actions
  • Tracking correction actions
  • Reporting and data analytics
  • Automated notifications of key tasks
  • OSHA & MSHA reporting
  • OSHA online incident submission
  • DOT functionality (coming soon)
  • Mobile capabilities (phone, tablet, etc.)
  • Much more

Be sure to check out our Incident Management Softwareweb page to learn even more, or watch the brief video below for an overview of the system’s benefits. And you can always send us an email to learn more.

Investigating incidents at work, including near-misses, gives you a great opportunity learn more about the hazards and risks at your workplace and increase your organization’s overall capacity for safety.

For some related reading, we invite you to check out the following articles:

And before you go, please feel free to download our free Online Safety Training Buyer’s Guide Checklist, below! 

Online Safety Training Buyer's Guide Checklist

Online Safety Training Buyer’s Guide Checklist

Learn how to evaluate the different online safety training solutions that exist to find one that best fits your company’s needs with our FREE informative guide and checklist.

Download Free Guide

Online Safety Training Buyer's Guide Checklist

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3 Safety Tips Before Getting On an Aerial Lift

Aerial LIft Safety Image

Falls from heights continue to be a major cause of occupational injuries and fatalities, year after year. Those falls occur in a number of ways, including workers falling from aerial work platforms.

In this article, we’ll give you a few simple and easy-to-implement safety tips for working with aerial lifts. You might also be interested in our other articles related to falls that we created for the Safety Stand-Down week, including:

Also, check out the bottom of this article, because we’ve included a free Fall Prevention Toolbox Talk Checklist for you. 


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3 Ways to Ensure Your Safety When Wearing a Fall Protection Harness

Fall Protection Harness Image

Falls continue to be a leading cause of injuries and fatalities at work. That’s true year after year.

In this article, we’re going to provide a few quick, easy, and important tips on wearing a fall protection harness. Properly wearing a harness can be one way to reduce the risk of fall-related injuries and illnesses (although it’s important to remember that PPE is a low-level control on the hierarchy of controls and you should always attempt higher-level controls to reduce fall risk before considering PPE).

You might also want to check out the other articles related to falls and fall prevention that we’ve got for you.

Also, know that we’ve included a free Fall Prevention Toolbox Talk Checklist for you–just go down to the bottom of this article. 


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Scaffolding Safety: 3 Ways to Work Safely on a Scaffold

Supported Scaffold Image

As you probably know, another national Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction has come and gone.

But although the Safety Stand-Down is past, the risk (and reality) of falls in construction has not.

As a result, we’re taking a closer look at some issues related to falls in construction in a series of articles. This article will focus on fall hazards related to scaffolds. Every year, falls from scaffolds lead to a large number of injuries and fatalities on the job.

In addition to this article, we’ve also put together the following ones related to falls, fall prevention, and fall protection for the Safety Stand-Down:

At the bottom of this article, we’ve included a free Fall Prevention Toolbox Talk Checklist, and it includes tips for a Scaffolding Safety Toolbox Talk. 


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3 Ways to Avoid a Fall from a Ladder

Ladder Safety Image

Because falls in construction are such a major cause of injuries and fatalities at work, we’re dedicating a few articles at this time to providing some fall-related safety tips to make sure you and your coworkers go home safely every night.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at some ladder safety tips. Ladders are especially dangerous–every year, about 70 construction workers die when falling from ladders, and in addition about 4,000 construction workers experience an injury as a result of falling from a ladder that’s so severe they miss work.

So, let’s learn three simple safety tips for staying safer while working with ladders. And don’t forget to scroll down to the very bottom of this article, where you can download a free portable ladder self-inspection checklist. 

In addition to this article, we also created the following articles on topics related to falls, fall prevention, fall protection, and fall hazards/risks that might interest you as well:


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Looking Back at the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction

Fall Protection Image

The National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction was last week (May 7-11, 2018).

In this article, we’ll review what a safety stand-down is, why we have them, and how we can help prevent falls and especially fatal falls in the construction industry.

I was lucky enough to attend a special Fall Prevention training course offered by the University of Washington’s Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences and their Pacific Northwest OSHA Education Center that was timed to coincide with the Fall Prevention Safety Stand-Down. In addition to the experts with UW-DEOHS/PNWOEC, there were other experts from industry (AGC), Oregon OSHA, Oregon Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (OR-FACE), and more. In short, it was a rock-star-studded event.

And so in the article below, we’ll also give some credit to all those fine presenters and highlight some of what I learned there.

In addition to this blog post, watch for one or more blog posts related to fall prevention to follow shortly.

As always, we hope these articles help improve safety at the workplace, and that’s especially true in fall prevention, where the need is so great.

In addition to this article focusing on the Safety Stand-Down itself, we’ve prepared some additional fall-related articles you may appreciate as well. So check these out too:


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