What Is Vertical Lifeline Swing Hazard?

Vertical Lifeline Swing Hazard

An important hazard that falls under the general bucket of fall prevention and protection is the “swing hazard” that can exist when wearing a vertical lifeline. We explain vertical lifeline swing hazard in this article (and include a video illustrating it from our online fall prevention & protection training course) and give you a tip for avoiding swing hazard out in the field.

We’ve also included a free fall prevention toolbox talk training checklist that you can download–just go to the bottom of this article to get the checklist. It addresses ladder safety, scaffolding safety, and roofing work safety.


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Stand Down to Prevent Fatalities from Falls: An Interview with Oregon OSHA

Stand Down for Fall Prevention Image

Every year falls are on the leading causes of injuries and most importantly fatalities at work. And that’s especially true in construction.

That’s why OSHA holds an annual Safety Stand Down for Fall Prevention in the Construction Industry. Each year at this time, they hold training sessions, provide free informational materials, get busy on social media, and otherwise try to raise awareness of the scope of the problem and how to prevent these fall-related injuries and fatalities.

As part of the Safety Stand Down 2019, Oregon OSHA joins federal OSHA, the other state OSHA plans, numerous safety organizations, and countless safety-minded individuals in trying to create some awareness of the risks and hazards the come under the fall prevention umbrella and in sharing knowledge about how to stay safe at work–from a simple slip, trip, or fall at ground level to working at the highest elevation.

Craig Hamelund, an education specialist with Oregon OSHA, was kind enough to share an hour talking to us recently, telling us about the fall-related injury and fatality statistics nationally and in Oregon, highlight hazards and controls, telling us a little about what Oregon OSHA (as well as the Pacific Northwest OHSA Education Center and other related safety professionals) are doing here in Oregon, and sharing information about falls and fall prevention that are useful no matter where you live. We thank Craig and Oregon OSHA for his time and we encourage you to seek out or hold your own Safety Stand Down event this year.

We’ve transcribed the discussion and you can read that by clicking the MORE button. Or, just watch the video, which is immediately below. Also, know that that the bottom of this article, we’ve provided a free Fall Prevention Toolbox Talk Checklist based on an OSHA Fall Prevention Training Guide–it’s yours for free and it offers tips on toolbox talks for ladder safety, scaffolding safety, and roofing work safety.


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Tips from OSHA’s Fall Prevention Training Guide

Fall Prevention Training Tips

We think that OSHA publication 3666, Fall Prevention Training Guide: A Lesson Plan for Employers, is a helpful resource, and we’ve even created a fall prevention toolbox talk checklist to supplement the OSHA guide. You can download that checklist from the bottom of this article.

In this article, we’re going to highlight some of the major points that OSHA makes in the Fall Prevention Training Guide. You’ll see the guide addresses risk (and controls) related to ladder safety, scaffolding safety, and roof work safety.


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Special Issues for Women in Safety: Women and PPE

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In this article, we’re going to introduce three special issues for women in occupational safety and health: PPE, getting women into leadership roles, and violence at the workplace. We’ll give a general introduction to both (thanks to work from the ASSP’s Women in Safety Excellence, or WISE, common interest group) and we’ll zero in on some problematic issues related to women and PPE.

We’ll be speaking with Abby Ferri, an ASSP member and a member of WISE who’s leading up the WISE effort to highlight problems with PPE for women and try to get some improvements. In future articles, we hope to talk with other WISE members about the issues related to workplace violence and leadership roles for women.

We’d like to thank Abby Ferri for her time in putting this interview together. You can listen to the interview in the video below or, if you’d prefer, we also typed up a transcript that’s available below the video/audio.


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Fall Prevention & Protection Toolbox Talk Checklist

Fall Prevention Toolbox Talk Checklist Image

As part of our efforts to raise awareness of fall prevention & protection issues for this year’s National Safety Stand-Down (May 6-10, 2019), we’ve created this checklist you can use while preparing for, participating in, and following-up on toolbox talks related to fall protection in particular and to ladder safety, scaffolding safety, and roofing work safety in particular.

This checklist is designed to be used as a supplement to OSHA’s Fall Prevention Training Guide: Lesson Plan for Employers (OSHA 3666). You can download that OSHA publication using the link we just provided and there’s also a link to the fall prevention training guide inside this checklist as well.


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How to Become a Learning Organization (An Interview with Michelle Ockers)

Learning Organization Image

We’ve written before about what a learning organization is and what are some of their traits, and we’ve even talked about how to integrate safety departments into learning organization efforts (see this Safety & Learning Organizations article or this recorded Integrating Safety into Learning Organizations ASSP webinar).

But we thought we’d shoot big and talk to an expert in the field to learn what organizations can do to become learning organizations: Michelle Ockers.

Michelle very kindly shared her time and knowledge to help us get up to speed. If you’re interested in knowing what a learning organization is, or if you’re looking for some simple steps to move along the path, this is a great place to start.

The video of the discussion is immediately below. We’ve also typed it up for you if you’d rather read–just click the MORE button to read on. 


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OSHA Basics: What Are a Worker’s Rights According to OSHA?

OSHA Basics Image

Ever wonder what rights OSHA guarantees to an American worker? It may not be something you think about every day–although in at least one case related to safety, perhaps you should. And in other cases, even if some of the rights are not things you need to think about daily or exercise daily, they’re good to know about and one day you may need to exercise them.

This article is part of our series called OSHA Basics. This article series intends to help explain basic, fundamental issues related to OSHA. If you’re new to OSHA or occupational safety and health, these articles may be a real bonus to you. You may even find one or two of use even if you’re a safety pro.

See the list and links at the bottom of this article for a list of our OSHA Basics articles.


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Client Testimonial Video: Ring Power & Amanda Anders

We’ve recently enjoyed working with Ring Power, a Caterpillar dealer and the largest provider of construction equipment, generators, air compressors, cranes, and forklifts in the Southeastern US, and with Amanda Anders and others of Ring Power as they implemented our learning management system, online job training courses, and more to help supercharge their employee learning and development program.

See what Amanda has to say about working with us in the video below. You can also check out more in our Client Testimonial video clip and our Client Testimonial web page.

Contact us for more information.

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What Is Reliability & Maintainability?

Reliability and Maintainability Image

We’ve recently partnered with our friends at the University of Tennessee (Knoxville) Reliability & Maintainability Center to offer reliability & training opportunities in both instructor-led and online formats (more about that below).

As a result, we’ll be writing a series of articles to introduce you to some key concepts in reliability and maintainability.

This is the first article in the series, and we’re going to keep it basic and foundational by giving a quick and easy definition of reliability and maintainability.

To learn more about this, please read the article below, and of course let us know if you need any assistance with your maintenance, maintainability, or reliability training programs.

Plus, check out our recorded webinar on maintenance, maintainability, organizational learning, and continuous improvement. 


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