Online Contractor Orientation Buyers Guide: Tips & Free Download

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Does your company employ contractors? Probably.

Do you also have visitors and vendors on site? Again, probably.

Do you need to create safety orientation materials for those contractors, visitors, and vendors before they come on site? Probably.

And do you need an online delivery tool to that lets those contractors, vendors, and visitors complete their orientations and lets you run reports to see who’s done and who’s not? Probably.

At the bottom of this article, we’ve included a free Online Contractor Orientation Buyer’s Guide that you can download. It’s got some solid recommendations of the kind of stuff you should be looking for if you want to get your site-specific orientation materials online and get an online tool for self-registration, assignments, online delivery, crediting, tracking, reporting, notifications, and more.

So enjoy the buyer’s guide and feel free to check out our extensive article on best practices for contractor management as well.


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What Is Standardized Work in Lean Manufacturing?

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Standardized work is an essential element of lean manufacturing.

It’s also got a non-intuitive name, because although standardized work sounds static, it’s actually a dynamic process (due to its lean manufacturing buddy, kaizen).

In this article, we’ll explain what standardized work is and explain its relation to kaizen within the lean manufacturing methodology, and we’ll give you some tips for getting started with standardized work now.

Before you begin reading about lean manufacturing and standardized work, know that we’ve included a free Five Principles of Lean Manufacturing infographic you can download at the bottom of this article, too!

Plus, free free to check out our online lean manufacturing training options.


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How to Use Storytelling in Training with Anna Sabramowicz

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We always enjoy an opportunity to talk about learning and developing materials to help people learn. And we always enjoy the opportunity to talk about using storytelling and scenarios to do that. And of course we always enjoy talking with our friend Anna Sabramowicz, an elearning developer who excels at all of this and who generously and freely shares advice and tips on doing this stuff and doing this well.

You may recall we’ve spoken with Anna about scenarios, stories, and training in the past. She’s been nice enough to “stop by” for a chat again, and we’ve included a transcription of that conversation below. We hope you enjoy the conversation and we thank Anna for time and experience.

Also, know that this discussion with Anna, in which Jeff Dalto interviewed Anna, was part of a longer discussion that begin with Anna interviewing Jeff.  You can click here to see that earlier discussion at Anna’s YouTube channel.  Thanks to Anna for that.


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Instructional Design Opportunities In Energy Generation, Transmission & Distribution

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Dr. Tom Baer is an instructional designer with Puget Sound Energy (PSE) in the Seattle, WA area.

Faced with changes in the industry, PSE has recently doubled-down on their investment in instructional design and training at their organization. Tom was hired to perform instructional design work as part of that increased emphasis on instructional design at PSE, and he was nice enough to take some time and explain some of the instructional design opportunities in this industry.

We’ve got a recording of the discussion with Tom immediately below. And if you’d prefer to read, we’ve got a transcript below that.

We’d like to thank both Tom and Puget Sound Energy for their contributions to this discussion and tip our hats to them on their hard work. Hopefully, we’ll touch base with them again at some future point for an additional conversation (fingers crossed).


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What Is Value Stream Mapping in Lean Manufacturing?

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As a continuation of our look at key concepts in lean manufacturing, this article is going to explain value stream mapping.

Value stream mapping is an important part of attaining the general lean goal of reducing waste in manufacturing (or in any workplace).

Before you begin reading about value stream mapping, know that we’ve included a free lean manufacturing infographic you can download at the bottom of this article, too!

You might also want to check out our lean manufacturing training courses.


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Free Recorded Webinar: Tips for Effective Safety Training

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Our friends at RedVector hosted Jeff Dalto of Convergence Training for a webinar giving some tips on Effective Safety Training.

The webinar introduces the following:

  • The ANSI/ASSP Z490.1 standard for EHS training and Z490.2 standard for online EHS training
  • Learning objectives
  • The ADDIE instructional design model
  • Training delivery methods v instructional or training methods
  • Evidence-based training practices
  • Learning myths
  • Training evaluation

Watch our recorded Effective Safety Training Webinar at our Webinars page.

For even more helpful information related to safety training, download our free guide below.OEE-guide-btn

Effective EHS Training: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to design, create, deliver, and evaluate effective EHS training by following these best practices with our free step-by-step guide.

Download Free Guide


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Industrial Hygiene (IH) Basics: IDLH Limits

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In recent IH Basics articles, we discussed permissible exposure limits (PELsaction levels (ALs), and STELS and Ceiling Limits.

In this article, we’re going to continue looking at exposure limits in the fascinating worlds of IH and occupational safety and health with an investigation into IDLH (immediately dangerous to life or health) limits.

So read on to learn about IDLH atmosphere and don’t be shy about downloading the free Guide to Performing a Job Hazard Analysis from the bottom of this article.


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“Thinking, Fast and Slow” at Work

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Not all workplace performance issues have to do with human motivation, behavior, thinking, and decision making, but plenty of them do.

As a result, if you’re in any way interested in workplace performance, it’s helpful to know more about what motivates people (see this article on workers and motivation), how people behave, how they think, and how they make the decisions they do. This is true if you’re in HR, it’s true if you’re in learning and development, it’s true if you’re in operations, it’s true if you’re in health and safety–it’s true no matter what you do at work.

And that’s why it’s helpful to study fields concerned with human thought, behavior, and decisions in addition to what you may think of as your core field. Psychology, sure, but even something like anthropology can be very helpful.

And that’s also why we’re interested in behavioral economics. What is behavioral economics, you ask? It’s a blending of economics and psychology that considers why people make the decisions they make (which are often not in their best interests). You may have caught our earlier article discussing Dan Ariely’s book The Upside of Irrationality, or perhaps you caught our more recent article based on a book by the folks at Freakonomics. These are both works of behavioral economics.

But even as popular as something like Freakonomics is, it’s perhaps the case that the true big kahuna, the real grand poobah of behavioral economics, is Daniel Kahneman. He won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, after all.

And in this article, we’re going to take a quick look at Kahneman’s classic book Thinking, Fast and Slow to give you some insights from that book into why people think what they do and why they make the decisions they make so you can apply those insights to help you create a more productive, efficient workplace.


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5 Principles of Human and Organizational Performance (HOP) with Dr. Todd Conklin

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One of the most influential, most innovative, and most controversial thinkers in occupational safety and health these days is Dr. Todd Conklin, who’s famous for his human and organizational performance (HOP) approach to safety matters.

It’s likely you’re familiar with Dr. Conklin and don’t need me to explain to you who he is. However, if the name IS new to you, you might want to check out his Pre-Accident Investigation podcast series, or his HOP Hub website, or his books on pre-accident investigations, learning more by asking better questions, preventing workplace fatalities, or the 5 principles of human performance, which is what our discussion below will focus on.

Todd was nice enough to stop by for a chat with us and explain the 5 principles of HOP and some other HOPpy stuff, and we can’t thank him enough. We’ve included an audio recording of the discussion below and hope you enjoy it.

(Note: If you’re the type who’d rather read than listen to an audio, the transcript is below).

Also, feel free to check out some of the articles we’ve written about Dr. Conklin’s books, below:

We haven’t yet written a quick intro to Todd’s most recent book (5 Principles of HOP) but stay tuned for that–plus, of course, this interview basically fills that need and you can’t do better than to get the goods from Todd himself.


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Vector Solutions Monthly Blog Round Up: July, 2019

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Our parent company Vector Solutions has been publishing a monthly blog article that compiles one interesting blog article from different Vector Solutions  brands, including your friends here at Convergence Training.

Here’s a quick overview of the articles:

If we’ve sparked your interest, check out the July, 2019 Vector Solutions Blog Round-Up.

And here’s the back-library of Vector Solutions Blog Round-Up articles:

Before you go, please download our free PDCA infographic or check out our website for more free downloadable guides.

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FREE PDCA Cycle Infographic

Download this free infographic of the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle commonly used for quality control, project planning, and continuous improvement.

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The Ultimate Guide to MSHA Training Requirements & Online Training for MSHA Parts 46 and 48

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Need a better understanding of the mining safety training requirements imposed in the US by MSHA’s Part 46 and Part 48 training regulations? If so, the MSHA Training Requirements guide that you can download from the bottom of this article is the right thing for you.

Or maybe you’re looking for information about how you can use different online training tools to provide some of the training that MSHA Part 46 and Part 48 requires in an online format. Again, if that’s the case, the guide at the bottom of this article is for you.

Or maybe you want help managing and administering all that training, including stuff related to all training (assignments, delivery, tracking)  but also stuff that’s specific to MSHA Part 46 and Part 48 (such as the creation of a training plan and multiple training programs, the specific training deadlines and expirations, other documentation needs such as specifying a competent person and a person responsible for safety and health at the mine, etc.). Again, you guessed it–our free guide to MSHA Training at the bottom of this article is for you.

And of course, if you’re (1) curious about MSHA Part 46 & 48 training requirements, (2) looking for online training courses for MSHA mining safety training, and (3) also looking for help with MSHA training documentation, recordkeeping, and more, then you’re the perfect reader for the guide at the bottom of this article.

So let’s continue to learn more about MSHA training requirements and using online training for MSHA Parts 46 and 48. And don’t forget about the free guide to MSHA training at the bottom of this article.


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What Is an MSHA Part 46 Training Plan?

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To help people become better aware of their responsibilities under the MSHA Part 46 safety training requirements for surface mines in the US, we’ve been writing some articles on some of the key ideas and requirements.

Recently, for example, we wrote an explanation of MSHA Part 46 training programs. And this article is an explanation of MSHA Part 46 training plans.

As you’ll see, it makes good sense to talk about MSHA Part 46 training programs and training plans in quick succession, because you create a training plan for Part 46 by pulling together your different training programs and adding some additional details. Once you’ve got the training program together, you’re well-more than half-way to creating your MSHA Part 46 training plan.

We’ll explain the training plan below. But also know that we’ve got a free guide to MSHA training requirements and online tools for meeting those that you can download from the bottom of this article.


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