OSHA General Industry Compliance Guide

OSHA General Industry Compliance Guide

If you’re an employer subject to OSHA’s 1910 General Industry regulations, you’re going to appreciate the free Guide to OSHA General Industry Compliance that we’ve prepared for you (and that you can download at the bottom of this article).

Now, you’re right to get excited, but we also want to remind you of what you already probably know: although this guide will HELP you comply with the OSHA 1910 regulations for general industry employers, it’s not a guarantee. You’re going to have to take site-specific circumstances into consideration, plus OSHA regulations can change, etc.

But you’ll definitely find this guide helpful for complying with the general industry regulations. So go ahead and download it now!

We also have written up three blog articles for training materials we offer that will help with these requirements. To look into that, check the following articles:

  1. Training Suggestions for OSHA General Industry Compliance Requirements, Part 1
  2. Training Suggestions for OSHA General Industry Compliance Requirements, Part 2
  3. Training Suggestions for OSHA General Industry Compliance Requirements, Part 3

Hope you enjoy the general industry compliance guide and let us know if you’ve got any questions.

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What Is a Hackathon?

Hackathon Image

As a company focused on helping companies improve workplace performance, we’ve got a lot of interest in techniques intended to help solve problems, be more creative, and innovate more. For example, check out our articles on learning organizations, design thinking, facilitating change, learning teams, and innovation.

And that’s why we asked our good Dr. Stella Lee to have a discussion with us about hackathons (you may remember Dr. Lee from our earlier discussion on disruptive technologies in L&D).

Thanks to Dr. Lee for telling us what a hackathon is, sharing with us some reasons to hold a hackathon, and giving us specific tips on how to hold a hackathon based on her own personal experiences doing so (pus she shared some great resources for learning more!).

You can listen to our recorded discussion immediately below or, if you’d prefer, we’ve typed up the transcript below that.


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Free Portable Ladder Compliance Checklist (General Industry)

Portable Ladder General Industry Compliance Checklist Image

If you’re a safety professional, you probably know that ladders are involved in a lot of safety incidents at the workplace. And that’s why we’ve created a free portable ladder OSHA general industry compliance checklist for you to download at the bottom of this article.

In addition to the free portable ladder checklist at the bottom, you might also find some benefit from these materials we’ve got for you related to portable ladders:

And we’ve got more free downloadable checklists on other topics here.

Continue reading to download the portable ladder compliance checklist (it’s at the bottom of this article).


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Upcoming Webinar: OSHA Reporting & Recordkeeping – Dec. 4

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We’ve now held this webinar. You can listen to a recorded version here for free.

Also, you might want to download our free Guide to OSHA Recordkeeping & Reporting.

OSHA Reporting & Recordkeeping Guide Button

Free OSHA Injury & Illness Reporting & Recordkeeping Guide Download

Download this free guide to learn what you need to know about OSHA requirements for injury & illness reporting and recordkeeping.

Download Free Guide

OSHA Reporting & Recordkeeping Guide Button

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Commonly Used Training Evaluations Models: A Discussion with Dr. Will Thalheimer

Learning Evaluation Image

Dr. Will Thalheimer is of the most respected learning researchers out there. And that’s especially true when it comes to issues regarding learning evaluation.

We were excited to be able to talk with Dr. Thalheimer about four common learning evaluation models, and we’ve got the recorded video for you below. If you prefer your learning evaluation information in written form, just scroll down for the transcript of our discussion. And if you’d like to read other discussions we’ve had with Will, click these links to learn more about spaced practice, the effectiveness of elearning, smile sheets, and learning myths v. learning maximizers.

Many thank to Will for participating in this discussion on learning evaluation and for everything he does. Please be sure to go off and check out his other materials and offerings at his website. And when you finish this discussion, know that we had a follow-up in which Dr. Thalheimer explained his new LTEM learning evaluation model as well.


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Vector Solutions Monthly Blog Roundup: October 2019

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As they do every month, our parent company Vector Solutions just published their round-up of blog articles published in the previous month by their different business units and brands.  This includes an article from your friendly neighborhood Convergence Training.

These articles, all originally published in the month of October, 2019, include:

  • Vector Solutions on the value of using EHS management software for improving workplace safety (this is a nod to our new safety management software, Vector EHS, created by new acquisition IndustrySafe)
  • IndustrySafe announcing the upcoming arrival of version 6.0 of the IndustrySafe/Vector EHS safety management software just mentioned
  • RedVector with a list of resources for the recent Manufacturing Day celebration
  • SafeSchools on launching a list of vaping prevention resources
  • SafeColleges announcing a recorded webinar on positively influencing campus culture
  • Exceptional Child on understanding ADHD and helping students succeed
  • TargetSolutions on the role of clean PPE in preventing cancer in firefighters
  • And your friends here, Convergence Training, with a recently recorded webinar on evidence-based training practices

If we’ve sparked your interest, check out the October, 2019 Vector Solutions Blog Round-Up.


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What Is Design Thinking?

Design Thinking Image

If you’ve never heard of design thinking, you might find this brief introduction of value. If you’re already using design thinking, we value your additional insights and contributions in the comments section below.

So what is design thinking, those of you who’ve never heard of it before may be asking? Tim Brown, the president and CEO of IDEO (who played a big role in the development and spread of design thinking), puts it this way:

Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer’s toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.

You can use design thinking to help create better products, services, and experiences for your customers; to help improve workplace conditions for your employees; to improve workplace processes and procedures; or to fix other problems. In that sense, it’s a bit of an all-purposes problem-solving tool with a focus on empathy, being human-centered, and the user’s experience that includes a healthy dose of collaboration.

We’ll provide a quick overview of design thinking in the article below. We’ll also provide links to resources where you can learn more. If you’ve used design thinking yourself at work, please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section.


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Facilitating Change for Performance Improvement & Innovation: A Discussion with Arun Pradhan

The one constant in the universe is change. Or so the great philosophers say–you can’t step into the same river twice, after all.

Given the possibility that this is true, it makes sense for all of us to be better prepared to acknowledge the inevitable nature of change, prepare for it, and learn to benefit from it when possible.

To help us wrap our heads around this, we touched base with L&D guru and change agent Arun Pradhan (you may remember our earlier discussion with Arun on lifelong learning and learning agility). A million thanks to Arun for sharing his thoughts with us on change.

As for you, you’ve got two choices–watch a recording of the video discussion immediately below, or scroll down further to read a transcript. Either way, we hope you enjoy this.


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ANSI/ASSP Z490.1 & Z490.2 Discussions at ASSP Podcast Webpage

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The first of two discussions about the Z490 series of ANSI/ASSP standards for EHS training is now available at the ASSP Safety Standards at Tech Publications podcast webpage.

Find the podcast about Z490.1, the standard for all EHS training, here.

Find the about Z490.2, the standard for ONLINE EHS training, here.

Both discussions feature Jeff Dalto of Convergence Training/Vector Solutions, who was on the sub-committee that created Z490.2 and is on the committee to update Z490.1. Read Jeff’s last update on the creation of Z490.2 here.

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Intro to Systems Thinking for Workplace Performance Improvement

Systems Thinking Image

It’s common to hear people talking about the importance of systems thinking in the workplace these days.

The point that folks make is that if you want to really solve problems, or really grasp opportunities, you’ve got to think of issues systemically.

I’ve heard this same basic point made by people in different work circles: learning and development, safety, operations, maintenance, HR, and more.

And beyond that, the point is often extended with some helpful advice: think of connections instead of disconnections/silos; think in circles instead of in a linear manner; think in wholes instead of parts; think of synthesis instead of analysis; think of relationships instead of about things in isolation. Be big-picture. Be holistic.

And that advice is good, to a point. But I also find it somewhat vague and hard to act on.

As a result, I decided to do a little reading on systems thinking to learn more. I’m hoping that by learning about different systems archetypes, different components of systems, and the different ways systems grow/decline, it will make it easier to identify systems at work, determine how they work, and then try to change them when I want to.

I’m doing this as a bit of a “learning out loud” project, not entirely knowing where this will go or how useful it will be. As a result, even though I always invite your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below, that’s especially true for this article. If you’ve got your own favorites sources about systems thinking, your own thoughts about systems thinking and how to apply it at work, or if you can begin to point out how to apply some of the lessons below in specific contexts, please do share! NOTE: Here’s one by Steven Shorrock on Systems Thinking for Human Factors that just got published.

In the credit-where-credit is due section, I should note that this article is largely based on the first-half of the book Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella H. Meadows. We are deeply endebted to Meadows here and in no way do we think this captures all the great thought in the book. Please consider buying a copy of the book today, as it goes into much more detail and includes many helpful examples and illustrations. It’s our plan to return to some of the materials in the second-half of Meadows’ book in future articles.


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Vector EHS Software Demo: Linking Safety Data & Safety Training Webinar

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Our parent company Vector Solutions recently acquired Industry Safe, maker of safety management software. That means Convergence Training can now offer the Industry Safe safety management software to our customers–we call it Vector EHS.

Watch the recorded webinar below for a discussion of linking safety data and safety training and to see a demo of how to do this with Vector EHS.

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What Is Evidence-Based Training?

Evidence-Based Training Image

Not that long ago, we wrote a blog article about learning myths, and in that article, we promised we’d cycle  back and write another on evidence-based training practices. This is the fulfillment of that earlier promise–an article on evidence-based training. (Note that in addition, you might want to check out this free, recorded webinar on evidence-based training and learning myths and this discussion about learning maximizers and learning myths with Dr. Will Thalheimer).

We’ll give you an introduction to evidence-based training in this article, explaining:

  • What evidence-based training is
  • Why we believe you should use evidence-based training methods
  • What are some evidence-based training methods
  • Where you can learn more about evidence-based training

Along the way, we’ll also link you to some other articles and interviews we’ve already done on evidence-based training practices, including interviews with some of the learning researchers out there.

We hope you’ll enjoy this and invite any questions.


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