OSHA Basics: (Nearly) Everything You Always Wanted to Know about OSHA–but were afraid to ask

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If you’re new to the safety profession, or even if you’ve been around a while, you may have a few questions about the US Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA).

We may not have ALL the answers for you here, but we think we’ve got a lot of the common OSHA FAQs along with helpful answers and links to additional helpful OSHA-related resources.

Of course, if we’ve missed a specific OSHA-related question that you were hoping to get answered please use the comments section below the article and we’ll try to get you an answer as well as add that question to our list of FAQs.

And since you’ve found your way to an article about all-thing-OSHA, you might want to download our free guide to OSHA General Industry Compliance


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Free ‘Define-Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify (DMADV)’ Infographic

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Define-Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify, also known as DMADV, is a method used for the development of new products, processes, or services. It’s often associated with Six Sigma and it’s sometimes considered one method of Design for Six Sigma (DFSS).

Don’t confuse DMADV with DMAIC (which stands for Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control). Both are somewhat similar, and both are commonly used in Six Sigma, but DMADV is used for the development of new services, products, or processes, whileDMAIC is used for improving existing processes/products/services. See our DMAIC infographic for more about DMAIC.

In addition to the DMADV infographic below, and the DMAIC infographic we just linked you to, you may also be interested in the following free downloadables:

Enjoy the free infographic and let us know if you need help with your lean/quality/Six Sigma/continuous improvement training efforts at work.

DMADV (Define-Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify) Button

Free DMADV Infographic

Download this free infographic to learn about the DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify) method commonly used in Six Sigma for product and process design.

Download Free Infographic

DMADV (Define-Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify) Button

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Free Coronavirus/COVID-19 Video from Vector Solutions & Vector Cares

Our parent company Vector Solutions is creating a series of free videos to help people learn more about coronavirus/COVID-19 and how to stay safe.

This is the first of those videos, and more will follow in short order. You can watch them at the Vector Cares website and we’ll also let you know about them here when they’re available.

Here is a link to the first free coronavirus video, which explains:

  • What the virus is
  • How the virus spreads
  • How to recognize the symptoms
  • How to avoid the virus
  • Treatment for those who are infected
  • What do to if you’re sick

Let us know if you have any questions about coronavirus; stay safe and healthy by practicing social distancing, washing your hands, avoiding touching your face, and following the other tips in the video and from trusted sources like the CDC; and stay tuned for more free videos on the coronavirus soon.


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Dealing with Change During the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic

During this coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, we’re all being forced to change. And change isn’t always easy for people.

Not that long ago, and in entirely different circumstances, I talked with Arun Pradhan about anticipating, dealing with, facilitating, and benefitting from change. Of course, the circumstances are entirely different now, but there were still some useful tips that came up in the conversation that we thought would help people better adjust to the changing circumstances as a result of COVID-19.

Check out the entire discussion if you wish, or read on for some highlights and tips you may be able to apply today.


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OSHA’s New Temporary Enforcement Guidance – Healthcare Respiratory Protection Annual Fit-Testing for N95 Filtering Facepieces During the COVID-19 Outbreak

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Here’s another in our continuing series of “Coronavirus Basics” articles, in which we’re trying to offer helpful information to folks trying to figure a whole bunch of stuff having to do with working during the coronavirus pandemic.

In this one, we want to give you a quick FYI that OSHA recently released a new Temporary Enforcement Guidance – Healthcare Respiratory Protection Annual Fit-Testing for N95 Filtering Facepieces During the COVID-19 Outbreak.

It’s not too long, so do yourself a favor and click the link above and get the straight information directly from OSHA.

OK, are you done reading the full thing? Here’s a quick summary of what caught our attention, below.


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Training to Create Career Paths for Maintenance Technicians

A well-trained, productive, efficient, and proactive maintenance department is essential for success at many organizations. In recent articles, we’ve given real-life examples based on the experiences of real customers of how having a maintenance training program makes it easier for employers to hire new maintenance techs and how having a maintenance training program improves the retention of maintenance techs, especially those new hires.

In this article, we’re going to continue our focus on maintenance training by discussing the value of having training to help maintenance techs work their way through an well-developed career path.

So check out the story below and ask us if you have any questions about the facilities maintenance training at your organization. Plus, check out our recorded webinar on maintenance, maintainability, organizational learning, and continuous improvement.


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Free Downloadable Guides and More

From time to time, we create stuff that you can download for no cost right here from the Convergence Training blog. These include a wide variety of things (guides, interactive word games, checklists, etc.) on a wide variety of topics (online safety training, lean manufacturing, job hazard analyses, corrugated board manufacturing, and so on).

We figured you might appreciate it if we created one blog post that includes links to all those different free downloads we offer. And that’s what this post is.

Please note: Although there’s no financial cost for any of these downloads, we will ask for you name and email address. 

Hope you find some downloads that are helpful for you! And let us know if you’d like us to make anything specific for you–we’ll see what we can do!


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Free Infographic: Seven Core Elements of Construction Safety Management

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Most safety professionals will tell you that an organized safety management system or program is more effective than a simple compliance-based program.

OSHA certainly will, for example, even if you think of them in terms of compliance. To help you with that, in 2016 OSHA published OSHA 3886, Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs in Construction.

In the infographic below, we’ve listed, illustrated, and briefly explained the seven core elements that OSHA says your construction safety management program should have.

Be sure to download the OSHA document, this infographic, and the companion “Getting Started with Construction Safety Management” infographic we also made to jump start and improve your current construction safety management program. And let us know if we can help you with your construction safety efforts.


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Training to Help Onboard Newly Hired Maintenance Techs

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Your maintenance department is vital to your organization’s success, and it’s no stronger than the maintenance technicians who perform much of your maintenance work: corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance, predictive maintenance, conditions-based maintenance, etc.

In a recent article, we explained how having a robust maintenance tech training program can be a great competitive advantage when your organization is trying to recruit and hire maintenance techs. We’ll continue along the same thread in this article, drawing from the experiences of some of our customers to show the importance of maintenance tech training in terms of properly onboarding your newly hired maintenance techs and, in particular, getting them fully up to speed at your workplace.

For now, read and enjoy the article, and let us know if you have any questions about your own facilities maintenance training program at work. Plus, check out our recorded webinar on maintenance, maintainability, organizational learning, and continuous improvement. 


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What Is Lean? Introducing Employees to Lean Manufacturing

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So you’re thinking of adopting lean manufacturing at your workplace, huh?

But what will you tell employees and managers? How will you explain lean to them?

In this article, we’ve got some ideas, suggestions, and tools for you to use. We think these can help you introduce lean to rank and file employees and managers. Then you can go on to get into these ideas in more detail and to introduce more ideas over time. You might even want to roll out some lean manufacturing training courses.

Also, check out the bottom of this article, where we’ve provided a FREE “5 Principles of Lean Manufacturing” infographic you can download.


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FREE INFOGRAPHIC: Muda, Mura & Muri: Three Types of Waste from Lean Manufacturing

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Lean manufacturing practitioners often talk about three different kinds of waste: muda, mura, and muri.

This can get a little confusing, because lean experts ALSO talk about seven or eight kind of wastes, but when they’re talking about that, they’re talking about seven or eight different types of muda (muda is a Japanese word that means something like futility, uselessness, or wastefulness). Please see our The 7 Types of Waste in Lean Infographic for more about the different types of muda.

But when people in lean talk about different types of waste other than muda, they are talk about mura and muri. Admittedly a bit confusing, yes, but are you with us now?

If so, we invite you to check out and then download our free 3 Types of Waste (Muda, Mura, and Muri) Infographic below for your workplace continuous improvement efforts.


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OSHA and CDC Provide Helpful Guidance and Information on Coronavirus

As you no doubt know, the new coronavirus is spreading across the globe and US government officials have said it’s not a question of IF coronavirus will spread in the US but rather WHEN (and also, what the consequences will be).

That’s not to panic you–panic won’t help–but it is to say that you’d be wise to check out some credible authorities, learn more, and consider coming up with a plan about how your organization will prepare for the possibilities (and of course, how you’ll manage this issue in your personal life and with your families/loved ones/etc.).

We are not medical experts or public health authorities, so we thought the best thing we could do was point you toward some people who know what they’re talking about: the CDC and OSHA, both of whom have created helpful resources for you.

Here’s the CDC’s Coronavirus Disease 2019 webpage. There’s a subsection of this larger webpage titled Interim Guidance for Business and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019.

And here’s the OSHA Safety & Health Topic Page for Coronavirus (COVID-19).

And here’s a new CDC page (we think) for creating a coronavirus/COVID-19 Home Preparedness Plan.

We’ll continue adding helpful resources to this article as we find them. Please feel free to suggest your own in the comments section below.

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