Online Respirator Training: Online Courses, Free Online Word Game, FAQs, and More

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OSHA puts out a list of the ten most commonly cited standard violations every year. Here’s a list of OSHA’s Top Ten, 2016. Respiratory Protection is on that list this year, and so we’ve got some online respirator training resources for you in this article–plus more.

Many of the same standards appear on the list again and again (that’s true of respiratory protection, by the way). And as a result, we’ve pulled together a series of blogs to help you train your workers about each of the ten most cited standards. Below, we’ve got a bunch of materials to help with respirator training.

Let us know if you’ve got some other resources you’d suggest. The comments field awaits.

Before you dig into the information about respirator training below, feel free to check out our short sample video that demonstrates a few highlights of our safety and health courses.


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CDC Recommendations on Making & Wearing Cloth Face Covers for COVID-19

If you’re keeping track of everything in a fast-changing situation, you know the US CDC is now recommending that people wear cloth face masks (not N95 respirators) while in public to help prevent transmission of the novel COVID-19 virus.

The CDC says this is largely because they believe the face masks will help prevent people who are infected from spreading that infection to others by catching respiratory droplets and not letting them spread.

Keep in mind if you’re wearing a face mask, you still need to practice other safety and health measures related to COVID-19, including stay home when you can and maintaining your social distancing of six feet or more (see this article for more on the six-foot rule).

You’ll also have to keep in mind some new rules related to wearing the face mask, including washing your hands carefully before you put it on; not touching the face mask once you’ve got it on; wearing it correctly; removing it properly without touching your face; and washing it after each use.

To learn more about creating your own face mask, wearing one, and otherwise using it in a safe and healthy manner, see this special webpage from the CDC.

Stay safe, friends!

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Best Practices for Moving Instructor-Led Training to Webinars and Virtual Classrooms (Live Online Learning)

Because of COVID-19, lots of companies are rushing to get at least some of their instructor-led training materials into an online format.

Our friend Michelle Ockers has called in an impressive team of learning experts to discuss issues like this in her Learning Uncut Disruption series of podcasts. We enjoyed the series so much, we’ve asked Michelle and the contributors if they’d mind if we include highlights and transcripts here to broaden the reach of the podcast series. And they all said yes, which we are grateful for. Thanks for that!

In an earlier blog post, we highlighted some of the key points from a discussion Michelle had with Connie Malamed about making elelarning courses quickly.

In this article, we’re focusing on a discussion Michelle had with Shannon Tipton, owner of Learning Rebels, and Jo Cook, owner of Lightbulb Moment, on live online training, which includes both webinars and virtual classrooms.

Here’s how Michelle introduces this conversation at her podcast webpage:

This episode is part of the Learning Uncut Disruption series.  This pop-up daily series aims to equip learning professionals with practical guidance and tips to get started or scale up with practices needed as part of their organisational response to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Shannon Tipton and Jo Cook provide guidance on designing and facilitating live online sessions in lieu of face to face instruction led training.  Discussion covers:

    • How are live online sessions similar to and different from face to face?
    • Common traps for people new to designing and facilitating live online sessions – and what to do instead
    • Planning and communicating sessions
    • Technology – how to pick your platform
    • Techniques to make your live online sessions engaging
    • What to do after your session

We’ve included a link to the full podcast immediately below. Below that, we’ve summarized some of the high points and included the full transcript.

Listen to this episode of the podcast series here, 

Read on to learn more about live online learning.


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FMEA: What Is Failure Mode & Effects Analysis?

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A failure mode and effects analysis, commonly known as FMEA, is a way to analyze the different ways a system, design, machine, component, process, product, or service can fail and the effects of those different potential failures.

The FMEA is recorded on an FMEA worksheet.

We’ll explain more about this technique commonly used in many industries in this introductory article. Stay tuned in the future, as we’ll probably also create a free downloadable FMEA worksheet for you.


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Free Recorded Webinar: Improving Reliability & Maintainability with Organizational Learning

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We recently held a live webinar with Dr. Klaus Blache of the University of Tennessee’s Reliability and Maintainability Center and Jeff Dalto of Convergence Training discussing how to improve reliability & maintainability at your organization in general and how to use learning programs and online learning tools as part of that effort.

Watch a recorded version of our Increasing Organizational Learning for Improved Maintainability, Reliability & Continuous Improvement webinar at our Webinars page. 

We’ve included additional materials, including a course sample highlight video and a free downloadable Guide to Online Maintenance Training, below. Check ’em out and let us know if you have questions for us.


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Home Safety Tips: Second Free Coronavirus/COVID-19 Video from Vector Solutions & Vector Cares

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As we’re all struggling to respond to and protect ourselves during the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, our parent company Vector Solutions has been creating a series of free videos on COVID-19 and releasing them at their Vector Cares website.

The first video explained some basic facts about COVID-19.

They just released the second video, which provides tips for preparing your home to stay safer.

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Vector Solutions Recognizes 2020 “Safety Champions” in Tampa

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Vector Solutions honored a select group of exceptional men and women for their special dedication to reducing risk in the workplace during a recognition event March 12 in Tampa, Florida.

These Safety Champions were nominated by peers, co-workers and others for going above and beyond to make their workplaces happier, healthier, safer places to be. Our honorees hailed from a variety of industries, including industrial manufacturing, construction, water treatment  and others. Below you’ll find excerpts from those nominations.

Read on to learn more about all of these safety champions. And congrats and thanks to all of them, plus everyone working in safety.


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Best Practices for Creating eLearning Courses Quickly During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In a recent article, we gave an introduction to putting instructor-led training, classroom-style training online–primarily in the of a blended learning solution of virtual classrooms, elearning courses, and additional materials that can be distributed online.

In addition to that article, we’ve created more focused, detail articles about that dig deeper into creating virtual classrooms and elearning courses. This article is about elearning courses; stay tuned for the one on virtual classrooms.

In the “credit-where-credit-is-due” department, this article is based on one podcast discussion from a series of recorded podcast discussions by Australian L&D professional Michelle Ockers–you may remember her from our recorded discussion about learning organizations a while ago.

Michelle pulled together a star-studded, who’s-who-from-L&D collection of experts to share their tips on getting some training online in these difficult circumstances.

I’ve reached out to Michelle and she’s given me the OK to publish a link to the talks, summarize the talks, and she was even so kind as to send me transcript of the different talks. So, in order, below you’ll find:

  • A link to the talks (go check ’em out and be sure to follow Michelle and the others on social media)
  • A link to the specific talk with Connie Malamed about creating elearning courses, which is the focus on this article
  • A bulleted list of key points from the talk
  • A transcript of the talk

Here’s the link to all of the discussions; do give them a listen:  The Learning Uncut “Disruption Series” by Michelle Ockers. Michelle is working with other professionals to add more even as I’m typing this article today.


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What Is “Online Learning” And How to Do It Quickly and Easily During the COVID-19 Pandemic

With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing many people to work from home and reducing or entirely ending meetings for classroom-style, instructor-led training, there’s an understandable move to put instructor-led training online.

In this article, we’re going to give you some general guidelines for transitioning your instructor-led training (ILT) online, give you a better idea of what online training is, and also link you to some additional articles we’ve created that will help you develop the different types of online learning we’ll explain in this article.


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6 Tips for Facilitating Behavior Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Simply giving people information or telling them what to do does not guarantee behavior change.

That’s partly because we often know what we’re supposed to do but do something else anyway. It can be hard to change, plus sometimes we’re not motivated to change.

Change has been a big part of the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. There have been deaths (rest their souls), people have gotten seriously ill, but even those who think they’re healthy have seen many changes. Losing a job or working from home; staying at home and staying six feet away from other people for social distancing; giving up hugs and handshakes; not touching your face; washing your hands constantly; none of this is easy.

If you’re trying to help people make these changes, you might find six tips from a book called Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath helpful. In it, they offer six things that help people change their behavior more than just telling them to will. Those are:

  1. Simplicity
  2. Unexpectedness
  3. Concreteness
  4. Credibility
  5. Emotions
  6. Stories

To remember these, there’s a handy acronym: SUCCES(s).

Here’s a quick review of each.

Simplicity: Keep the message as short and simple as possible. Can you explain in 30 seconds instead of 12 minutes? Do it.

Unexpectedness: Surprise will catch people’s attention. Today, a story about a young person dying of COVID-19 or getting sick and needing a respirator may catch people’s attention more than a story about someone in their 80s.

Concreteness: Use details and descriptive language to convey the message. Avoid being vague or abstract. An invisible virus that people can pass even when they’re showing no symptoms is already vague enough. Focus on painful, dry coughs and crushing pain on the lungs, for example.

Credibility: People are more likely to listen if they know the message is coming from an expert or authority. If you’re not an authority, at least tell people your information is from an authority. But if you can get an authority, do it. Or if you can include a video of an authority, such as the head of the CDC, do it.

Emotions: Facts, data, and information are not likely to catch people’s attention or cause behavior change. Making them a little frightened about the effects of the virus (not panicked, but frightened) or sad about how it’s affecting people is more likely to work.

Stories: We’re natural story-listening machines. Take advantage of that by using stories in your training about COVID-19. Avoid simple lists of facts and data and/or lectures. And when you tell stories, use the other five tips just mentioned (simplicity, unexpectedness, concreteness, credibility, and emotions). Click to read more about storytelling in training.

Using these six tips in your training about COVID-19, or even in trying to help out family and friends, will improve your chances of creating real behavior change. And that’s what we need–not just information dumps. Good luck and share your success stories below–we need them!

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