Just last week, I was asked for a list of the top blogs/learning resources that I follow/frequent. Here is a list of the 5 sites that I have found helpful and full of great information. I subscribe to these via RSS which will deliver updates directly to Outlook and my phone.
Here is my list:
- eLearning 3.0 blog – http://www.elearning30.com/
- eLearning Learning – http://www.elearninglearning.com/
- ELearning Weekly – http://elearningweekly.wordpress.com/
- Corporate ELearning Strategies and Development – http://elearndev.blogspot.com/
- Learning, Education, and Training Systems Interoperability – https://letsi.org/
What are some of your favorite eLearning or training sites? Drop me an email or comment and let me know what I’m missing out on!